
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

Breaking Bad Habits

A young client asked me how to overcome a problem he has. I told him he might mature out of it. “When you evaluate what you get out of the highs and lows, against the price you pay to have them, after awhile, with maturity, you start to realize you don’t want to be doing

Choosing The Same Man, Over And Over

When choosing a partner, most of us have an “imprint” (Organic Attraction To A Physical Type) I see this all the time in consulting. If I work with a woman who has run through a lot of men, I see via the charts that she’s finding the same man over and over again, conscious or

white knight

Loving Broken Women – White Knight Syndrome

Hi Elsa, I’m just out of a relationship. The long and the short of it is that she loved me, but out of fear she dumped me for a married man. Now I know I did everything I could in this situation…. in fact, I held on for too long. But in the end, she

My Father Is Taking Drastic Steps To Keep Me From Man I’m Attracted To

Dear Elsa, I have known a man for 3 years and the chemistry – both intellectual and emotional – was intense, as was the physical attraction. However, due to geographical/career constraints we went our separate ways but always stayed in touch, helping each other through turbulent times by talking/writing to each other. Although frustrating for

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Pisces Know-It-All

Dear Elsa, I have a most annoying problem of understanding people. Really understanding them. I can see what motivates them, what drives them, what leads them. If someone is trying to fool me, pull the wool over my eyes if you will, I can see it. And I know the why of it. And I

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