
Patterns in relationship

two people meeting

How Or What Do You Present Yourself When You Meet Someone New?

In astrology, it’s common to refer to the ascendant as a person’s “first handshake”.  This is true outside of the fact it’s not nearly that simple. I’m writing this to pair with an earlier post. If you care about relationships and if what I assert in that post is true, it makes sense to consider […]

full moon in scorpio 2021

The Moon In Synastry

When judging synastry, don’t overlook the moon.  When two moons are in easy aspect, it gives a feeling of a blood connection. This is because the moon represents your family. When someone blends into your family…well, think about it. Also think about what it’s like when they don’t! If the two moons are in the same sign,

planet postcard

Synastry: The First Step In Analyzing A Relationship?

“Know thyself.” –Ancient Greek Maxim Synastry is the name given to the technique of chart comparison. You put one chart alongside another and compare how the charts interact, what interaspects the planets and angles make to each other and how they fall into each other’s house system. Examining the meaning behind each individual relationship of

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