
Patterns in relationship

Is Cheating Ever Justified?

What do you do if you’re an expressly loyal person and your spouse cuts you off sexually? What if they deprive you of physical contact for a month, two months, three months or a year and this becomes a way of life? And what if you can’t leave the marriage for financial reasons, at least […]

ocean tid

Venus Square Neptune In Relationships

Continuing the discussion on Attention Seeking Behavior… I have Venus square Neptune, natally. People like me and then they don’t. It’s nothing new. I am a woman who men give rings to and then ask for them back! I mean they want them right off my finger! This pattern has repeated throughout my life. All

She’s Destructive In Relationships – Part Two

Hi again, Challenged. My other idea, is that you get yourself some astrology. See, here’s how it works, in astrology but also in life. People affect each other. You know how you meet someone and like them right away? That happens when they have planets in their chart compatible with your own. And it works

How To Break Pattern Of Unrequited, Destructive Relationships

Dear Elsa, I have Venus square Neptune. My experience with Venus square Neptune: Unrequited love. I’d rather fantasize about having a wonderful relationship instead of putting forth the effort to obtaining one. The foot work is way too difficult. Plain and simple. How do I stop this destructive love pattern. Dream Lover Dream Lover, you

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Astro-Humor: How Get Rid Of The Ex Who Is After Your Lover

Loonsounds writes: Much as we might like to think so, our spouse may not be the best one to be counted on to keep the ‘still interested’ or newly ‘re-interested’ ex-spouse away. Truth be told, some of the time it is going to be up to you. Here is a guide for the best and

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