Gifting And Mars

dylan “It is better to have loafed and lost, than never to have loafed at all.”
–James Thurber

Mars placement is indicative of how one acts. Venus expresses your esthetic, what you like and value. I’d say Venus plays a big part in the types of gifts a person is likely to pick out, but Mars, its placement and its aspects are most reflected in the way in which you give.

With my Mars in the third house in hard aspect to Jupiter (generosity) and uneasy aspect to Saturn (responsibility) I sometimes have difficulty “pulling the trigger” when it comes to gifting. I mull it over to the point where I’m late or give up. I’m uneven. Sometimes I give big (Jupiter) gifts and sometimes I don’t even leave myself time enough to send a card. Let’s just say I’m hit or miss and lucky enough to have gracious people in my life who love me anyway.

What kind of a gift-giver are you? Where is your Mars?

55 thoughts on “Gifting And Mars”

  1. One of my oldest friends told me this week i have a talent for picking out the right gifts for people. I love doing this, sometimes i feel i live to give other people gifts. Also i love sending and recieving mail (actual mail,not email). My mars is in gemini in the 12th, oppositie Neptune (I’ll stumble upon something by “accident’), trine Pluto (i will go all the way when finding gift for people), but also sextile Jupiter (generosity).

  2. 4H Gemini Mars and Virgo Venus in 7H. I always mail greeting cards to family and friends. In personal relationships, I carefully listen to my partners for gift ideas.

  3. Venus in taurus and mars in aries. It’s fitting. I like to give practical yet pretty gifts and I love to surprise. Mars square uranus/neptune and if my surprise gets ruined by third parties it ruins my mood a bit. Mars square moon. I use a gift bag but I am not patient to wrap things myself so I have it done beforehand at the store. But I can wait for a long time to give the gift. I like to hide it, laugh when they pass by it and finally offering it. It’s cute to see a genuinely surprised reaction.

  4. Mars in Taurus. Finding gifts is hard for me unless I stumble upon something special reminding me of the certain person. When I don’t know, usually turn to eatable or nature related presents. Like wine, cake, sweets. Or flowers. Flowers are always a good idea. As a present myself I like a book or flowers of some jewelry like earrings ( Venus in Leo)

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