Henry In His Own Words: Double Capricorn, Desert Philosopher and Authentically Interesting Person – Part 6

On Metaphysics…

Letter to Gillas June 14 1960

“… One thing that my description does not say is that I am fond of children. In fact, I am beginning to think that it is my most marked characteristic. Wherever I go I am surrounded by a group of children. I love them at all ages and have been told that I am a teacher of children in the new age…”

Letter to Lowe October 28 1959

“I hear Christine XXXXXX is in an institution. She did act funny at the space convention in LA in July. That was the last time I saw her. Zip [Zipporah Dobyns] says that she is under the wrong astrological signs and they will continue to be unfavorable for three years.”

Letter to Webb April 1 1965

“Ever since I returned from Nogales I have been wanting to write you but this is the first opportunity that has come. Don’t think I have ever been so busy in all my life. Sometimes I think that I made a mistake starting this house because I just have too many other things to do. It seems that I am always attempting to do too many things. I promise people to do things and then being a Capricorn, I just can’t let them down…”

Letter to Reed January 3 1962

“I have always been a conscientious person and moral responsibility rests heavily upon me. As a senior in college I had this quotation put under my picture in the Senior Annual: “One life – a little gem of time between two eternities; no second chance to us forever more.” (Now that I believe in reincarnation I guess the second part of that is obsolete)”

Letter to “Howard” February 14 1954

“…I am sure I would like the doctor you went to. He told you the same thing I would have told you. When one’s mind is upset, it is bound to affect the physical body….”

Re: Zip Dobyns, Henry liked astrology but found the study complex and daunting. He said he didn’t think he was smart enough to learn it, however he felt my sister and I might fare better. She was 10 and I was 8. He bought us some books and the rest is history.

Catch up here – Henry in his own words…

skip to Henry: His Living Fences, an interlude

10 thoughts on “Henry In His Own Words: Double Capricorn, Desert Philosopher and Authentically Interesting Person – Part 6”

  1. We’ll I’d say that you learned your astrology all right!! Can you do us a favor? Could you publish a book of Henry-isms/writing and your experiences with him? He reminds me a lot of my own father – a… philosopher of… life….his own life in the living of it. He is inspirational and quite honestly I’d love to have him in hardcopy.


  2. wish i could have met Henry.

    your stories about him (and how you take after him, because you do) remind me to have faith in humans. because some of them are pretty fucked up, but some of them are visionary…

  3. “One life – a little gem of time between two eternities; no second chance to us forever more.” I love this quote, and I love that Henry put it in his senior annual. It makes me think of how fleeting life can be, but also how beautiful.

  4. he’s so strong. i have had anger psychotic breakdowns and go into a conquering emperor mode in the name of justice, sometimes the capricorn burden gets too heavy when others forget all that i have forgiven. but these words give much hope and more.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing yourvfather’s Henryisms with us. I wish I had more writi gs from my family.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙂

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