I’m sorry if you had problems making a purchase on this site, yesterday. I didn’t realize there is an issue with the stripe plugin, until late in the evening. I disabled it and contacted support. Hopefully they’ll fix it today. Until then, we have Paypal.
I also got a paypal case opened against me. It’s for un-delivered reports, which were delivered, twice (most likely to spam). Working to sort that too. I possibly compounded the problem by hitting “send” on the paypal response, before I’d finished writing it. Impossible to redo it or add to it. Gah.
I’m also unable to update a plugin, due to a server problem. Yep! Put a ticket in there as well.
I have a few errands today and seriously think, I should walk backwards to get them done, with less hassle!
What’s happening in your world?
Everything is fixed. Yay!
I am already so sick and tired of being told to ‘put a ticket in’. I think the phrase should be banned. The retrograde is starting off with a bang, hopefully it will mellow as we head into the month.