Personality vs Character

love-sun-and-moon-300x240My husband made a distinction between personality and character today. It was interesting.

He doesn’t care about personality. He’s strictly interested in a person’s character. One is superficial, the other is not.

I have a strong character and a decent personality.  What about you?

What’s the astrology here and how do you rate these two things?

41 thoughts on “Personality vs Character”

  1. I can’t believe it, I was thinking about this very subject like yesterday or the day before – personality vs. character. I agree that one of the two is deeper and the other is more on the surface, but to determine which is which will probably be rather arbitrary until we assess the specific etymology of both words. Well anyway maybe it’s not so important. But sticking with this distinction (the one mentioned in the post), strong character, I have it. Decent personality, I don’t know – I’m not sure people find it decent unless introverted, moody and unstable with a love of nonsense is their thing.

  2. Well character means everything. You can be bubbly, nice, sweet, funny as hell, the life of the party, more fun than a barrel of monkeys on the surface….

    But if you are going to steal, lie, cheat on your spouse, hurt someone with backstabbing vicious gossip, be disloyal, unkind, mean, rude, disrespectful, impatient, greedy, angry, pessimistic, cruel, quarrelsome or selfish you cant expect anyone to trust you enough to be in a relationship with you at all.

    I would rather be with someone that has the personality of a dial tone that has strong character. In fact, no character, no deal.

    Starting in Kindergarten Scorpio moons classes taught character right along with spelling and math. They taught what it means and they were rewarded for good character. I never saw it in my school or my children’s school although it was taught at home.

    She is only 7 and has a very clear understanding of character already. I think this is important.

    I have very strong character. Personality??? I have my moments. I am not one to want to be in a crowd. I don’t hang out with 25 of my closest friends… I am a homebody…work, take care of and hang with family. So I don’t get to use my personality except at work. Otherwise I am busy being a Mother before I am anything else. I have it in my head that if you are a Mother you need to be a mother first before you are anything else (Cancer asc) and I’ve got this boring Taurus moon…. I mean, I don’t want to trade it in for another moon, but you know…. I’d like to be a little less stubborn…

    I don’t remember what my actual personality is like out there in the world just hanging with friends. I do a good business so I suppose I do alright. I wouldn’t go somewhere if I hate the person so…. I suppose I do alright by them.

    I don’t really talk to anyone else but my family….and we be TIGHT….. 🙂

  3. Trying this again…. I think I am falling into spam….

    Well character means everything. You can be bubbly, nice, sweet, funny as hell, the life of the party, more fun than a barrel of monkeys on the surface….

    But if you are going to steal, lie, cheat on your spouse, hurt someone with backstabbing vicious gossip, be disloyal, unkind, mean, rude, disrespectful, impatient, greedy, angry, pessimistic, cruel, quarrelsome or selfish you cant expect anyone to trust you enough to be in a relationship with you at all.

    I would rather be with someone that has the personality of a dial tone that has strong character. In fact, no character, no deal.

    Starting in Kindergarten Scorpio moons classes taught character right along with spelling and math. They taught what it means and they were rewarded for good character. I never saw it in my school or my children’s school although it was taught at home.

    She is only 7 and has a very clear understanding of character already. I think this is important.

    I have very strong character. Personality??? I have my moments. I am not one to want to be in a crowd. I don’t hang out with 25 of my closest friends… I am a homebody…work, take care of and hang with family. So I don’t get to use my personality except at work. Otherwise I am busy being a Mother before I am anything else. I have it in my head that if you are a Mother you need to be a mother first before you are anything else (Cancer asc) and I’ve got this boring Taurus moon…. I mean, I don’t want to trade it in for another moon, but you know…. I’d like to be a little less stubborn…

    I don’t remember what my actual personality is like out there in the world just hanging with friends. I do a good business so I suppose I do alright. I wouldn’t go somewhere if I hate the person so….

    1. Yes, it is most certainly the other way around, a strong personality and a decent character. Though if you are not a born and need American I am not sure you will understand this.

      There are exception countries.

  4. I really don’t know how to answer this…

    I know I place slightly more value on personality, because I can deal with whatever your (lack of) character is as long as we have a good time together. Of course, I prefer to be around stand-up people who share my values but it’s kinda like hunting for lions in Kansas, tbqh, so I make do with what I have lying around.

    I have absolutely no clue where I fall on the character/personality scales. I’m kinda in a morphing phase at the moment and it all seems a bit skewed. A year ago, I could have answered. Easily. I’ve changed since then and I’m not sure how, yet.

  5. I think of the Billy Joel sobg. He’s a Taurus, by the by. “I don’t want clever conversation…I never want to work that hard.” Sums it up. I would not do well with a man who is always ON. I need/want a man who has gravitas and doesn’t talk a bunch of bullshit. I come from a family of show offs. I was expected to make people laugh from an early age. That is so cheap and fake. I’m trying to instill in my son that he doesn’t have to perform all the time. I wasn’t given unconditional love. I’m learning how to give it through much trial and error. I’m still growing at 42.

  6. I have a depth of character (pretty strong Saturn in my chart) that’s sometimes hard to see past all the (Gemini!) personality. I have a fair amount of that, too. Sometimes, though, I can come across as more shallow and flippant than I truly am.

  7. I’d like to think I have both. I’m a libra stellium with a scorpio stellium and capricorn rising. I am of course drawn to people with character and they’re drawn to me. What I have an issue with is people who don’t believe that you can possess both so they don’t give me a chance because they think I’m shallow. I find this to be hilarious really. It’s not hard to have a good personality. It’s really not. I do it so people will feel comfortable around me. Maybe it’s differerent for a woman too? Especially attractive women. That’s another topic though.

  8. I think of personality as the expression of the ego, and character as the soul. Personality as how you want to be seen, approved of etc and character the part of you that is above or beyond that. Little you, big you. Silly you, funeral you. Temporary you, eternal you.

  9. Character is made up of natural inclinations and what you learn and see in the first seven years of life. After that, personality starts to be built.
    I think my character is tough bordering on cruel but reliable. Given all this I have developed, to moderate success, a personality that tries to be understanding and ‘human’.

  10. They are definitely two distinct concepts, although personality can be refection of one’s character. I think that’s definitely my case. I have my Chart Ruler rising in 1st house, within 10 degree orb from Ascendant. Also, Sun/Pluto in the 1st house. It’s quite impossible for me to separate personality from character.

  11. hm i had to think hard with this. and envision a scenerio. If i were around someone who was bubbly, happy, entertaining and Always having a good time, it seems too superficial (no one is happy and bubbly 24/7, and it seems like alot of work to keep up. people change day by day,moods change. but if they were super boring and had no personality but had a super moral fiber? we’re Lucky to be hanging out with that type for sure.

  12. I think finding the right balance in a person that personally works for you is the key. Some people put higher value into honesty, for example, over lack of selfishness.

    Then again, others expect imperfection from their fellow man. So as long as they can laugh with them and have a good time, so what if they fib a little here and there? Or are chronically late? Or are a little discriminatory against certain types of people?

    1. Shoot forgot the astrology…

      Like everything else, I think the astrology behind this is a *combination* between the signs of the personal planets, their house placements, and aspects made between them and the angles maybe?

      I say this because I don’t think there is an automatic formula…however, if I am wrong, I would love to know!

  13. Personality is more about expression where as character is application. I taught my sons that the measure of a good man was when he did the right thing even when no one was watching. This has been a more difficult concept for the Scorpio to practice than his Libra brother.

  14. I’ve got a chart full of squares and oppositions in mutable signs… my personality is difficult to pin down. Too many moving parts. I think I have a relatively easy going personality, the Libra ascendant and Gemini Moon parts… airy and slightly detached, soothing. But my character is much more serious and pragmatic, and not nearly as sympathetic. It’s the Virgo Sun/Mars square Saturn/Uranus, it’s the Pluto rising.

  15. I have a strong character despite my inherent Piscean traits of indecision/confusion/denial- I never stop learning from my mistakes. I never stop asking myself how I might have been at fault for something. I don’t always make the right choices and I’m not perfect, but I take time to reflect on my mistakes and think on ways to avoid making them again. I never stop trying to be a better person. I’m not perfect, and I’ve made a shit load of mistakes, but I own them. In fact, I’m proud of them.

    My personality is on/off…I have my shining moments, but I can’t count on it all the time. Sometimes, I just suck. And I examine the times I suck, and learn from those, too.

    1. I guess I shouldn’t say I’m proud of my mistakes, more so I’m proud that I can say: I made this big mistake, but now I know better. I think it’s okay to be proud of learning from your mistakes.

  16. I’ve been thinking about this a bit this morning, which means it’s been rolling around in the back of my head as I do some chores this morning.

    My take would be your personality is like your ascendant, it’s what you show the world (of who you are). While your character is just who you are, the sun & moon and the aspects made to them (and your free will to express them as you will).

    This got me to thinking about the saying ‘he could sell ice to an eskimo’. So he’s got a great personality, but his character is-not so good. I mean why would he need to be selling ice to an eskimo? See? Does that make sense to anyone? I hope it does, it sure made sense in my head 🙂

    As for myself, I have a good personality and even better character.

  17. I forgot about the astrology: I think the Sun representing the “self”/ego makes ones character…a prominent Sun (No matter the sign. I hate it people think Pisces are all weak willed- not true- once we actually make up our minds, we can be very determined) Saturn on an angle or in aspect to the lights can help ground a person and give humility. Integrity, which is a main component of character is a Saturn thing, but also a Venus thing because true integrity is about being true to oneself/ones values…and values are Venus’ domain…so I can imagine a Venus/Saturn link as well. I also imagine Jupiter prominent, because Jupiter gives one faith in oneself. Without Jupiter, Saturn would make one overly pessimistic and miserly. So maybe equal balance of strong Saturn + strong Jupiter to even out the character. So basically, I just said it’s the whole chart that gives one character. 🙂

  18. I would be curious to know if astrology and the signs have any “determination” on character development as they do on personality? If so, what are some examples? I hate to say, I believe I have a stronger personality than character….not that my character is not a decent one – I think it is – but my personality tends to overshadow it. The recognition and attention that it gets almost naturally and without too much effort tends to usurp the focus on my character and character development. But, when I am still and focused internally, I know what the right thing to do is….i just don’t know that I always put it in action!

  19. To me it really come down to being genuine or not. Sure some people are good at the surface presentation and others not so much. But it takes some time to get to know the person and what their character is underneath it all. Honestly I would rather have a friend who is less personable but is genuine. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt until I see otherwise. If I need a ton of personality, I’ll watch a movie. Lol.

  20. ‘Personality’ the way I see it is the Ascendant and really important, but your character is your Sun and aspects to it, it’s your moral centre and true soul.

  21. My ascendant is Virgo and sun is Capricorn, so what does that say about personality vs. character? Both are decan 2.

    1. Kay, I would guess your personality is helpful and practical toward others. You are probably somewhat shy around new people but are anylzing everything and everyone and feel more comfortable doing things for others than expressions of feelings and such. This would be my guess for your basic expressions of personality. You are a hard worker I would guess. Grounded, and interested in practical concerns ?? In deeper relationship or character ?? You would know best imo.

  22. Avatar
    Warped by Wuthering Heights

    This topic made me examine not only my own chart but those of others I know. I think many factors contribute to character and personality. In my own chart, I think my Cap rising/North Node and Virgo Moon give me strong character (Scorpio Saturn’s at MC, Virgo Moon in 8th, work ethic, helpfulness, etc.), and my Aries Sun contributes courage and initiative, but the Libra Neptune opposition/square impairs all that at times.

    My personality seems to reflect Sun, Moon, Saturn, but all the other planets too! I have a chart full of trines, squares, oppositions, grand cross, kite, mystic rectangle, t-squares, half Star of David, you name it, it’s there. It’s not easy being me!

    Conflicted, changeable, and values have matured but hark back to early years.

  23. I feel like our charts and aspects only give us a range of potential behaviors or expressions. We can learn and choose to express the positive expressions of the planet aspects or the negative expressions. Ie. 2 persons could have very similar charts and seem very very different in both personality and character. For example, when I think back to my younger days I was many times an ass toward others, was selfish, and only interested in having a good time. Like not caring of the consequences to my choices and how they might affect others. Now I am 48 years old and although my personality has toned down I am still the playful person, but make conscious efforts not to be an ass and not make choices that are selfish, dishonest, hurtful ect. Same chart, positive expressions. I have an Saturn/Chiron conjunction square venus by 1 degree orb. In my natal chart. Seriously if im ever going to find real love in this lifetime. I need to be very very nice. I changed my negative expressions toward others by first learning to love and respect myself. Then the more positive expressions happen more consistently and naturally.

      1. My pleasure, and thank you!
        I find it very true and have applied these principles as a Psychologist very successfully for several years.

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