Pluto Transit My Ascendant – Spine Check

My lumbar spine scolosisI feel slightly stupid doing this but a lot of people follow my back surgery. It seems odd, but I can’t tell you how often a customer mentions it.

If you’re new here, that is my exact spine in the picture, or at least it used to be.  My surgeon fixed that thing in two surgeries, a day a part. Today was my six-month check up, post surgery. Here’s a brief update…

I have zero pain. I have absolutely no back pain, whatsoever. I have no hip pain, I have no pain in my legs and I have no numbness either. I have no problems whatsoever, stemming from my back.

My surgeon has cleared me for all activities though he did tell me I was no longer 25 years old. This was appropriate because I have Jupiter, prominent. I do act like a black lab puppy and I do think that fifty pounds is not too much for me to lift!


Garden season begins is just a few weeks. I can’t wait!

Thanks everyone, for the the support!

17 thoughts on “Pluto Transit My Ascendant – Spine Check”

  1. I’m so happy it worked out for you! I know you went through so much with your back for a long time. Sometimes Pluto transiting the Ascendant does good things.

  2. Elsa, Great news!! And thank you for sharing your spine picture. You are an amazing survivor, healer and inspiration for all! I have prayed for you and your Surgeon for a very long time and I have to say you’re officially off my prayer list now Girlfriend? Those 3 ?’s make you marvelously healed! Many Blessings and Gratitude to your Surgeon and Medical team??
    Love ?
    Aries Rising

  3. Fantastic update Elsa! Thrilled your surgeries so successful. I’ve enjoyed following your Spinal Reports. Go get your gardening tools out and gloves on! Thank you for the update.

  4. This is fantastic news! You’ve been a trouper for sure. And persevered as if there was ‘nothing wrong’. I wonder if the World is ready for a fully functional Elsa! holy moly. Perhaps the saving grace is that you AREN’T 25 anymore! Bring it on Sistah. You’ve earned it, and I can’t wait to see what you do next!

  5. My oldest grandson has scoliosis in a shape of an s He is just 22 almost 23 and he is starting to have real problems with his back.I am concerned as it makes it difficult for him to to do jobs that are physical. His learning disability makes it difficult for the non physical jobs.

  6. Remember when your surgery was first postponed?

    I swear, I knew it was for a reason. I just knew.

    I think it was so you could have it done and turn out
    like this. I think it was a miracle.

    My beloved cousin was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung
    cancer a few months ago. She had no preexisting
    conditions and she had no idea. She also had a
    brain tumor at the base of her brain from the
    spread. Like I said, she had no idea. She
    thought she had the flu.

    She died 2 months after the diagnosis. She had
    just turned 61. I am heartbroken.

    She passed away 2 months after her diagnosis.

  7. Avatar
    Sag with Cap rising

    I’m very happy to hear you’re healed and pain free! It’s mind boggling to think how productive you were while dealing with all of that. Thank God you found the right surgeon!

    It looks like you’ve figured out who you’re going to be with all of those planets transiting your 1st house! ?

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