Saturn Transits: The Real Deal, Like It Or Lump It

Capricorn goat on mountainThis is how Saturn transits work.

  • First there is a lack… an ache, a loneliness. This has purpose; it shows a person something has to be done.
  • Next the person finds they are the person who is going to have to do the something.
  • Next they snap their fingers, see if that will work.
  • Doesn’t work.
  • Next they decide to apply themselves.
  • Next they find out this is harder than they thought it would be.
  • Next they keep going because going back or failing is more painful / harder than pushing through towards achieving.
  • Eventually they achieve…
  • This is followed by gratitude and a strong sense of accomplishment… total relief the ordeal is over and they made it. 🙂

If you doubt me, just ask yourself if you have ever, ever seen anyone or anything carry a goat up a mountain.

This does not happen. If the goat climbs, he climbs on his own steam.

43 thoughts on “Saturn Transits: The Real Deal, Like It Or Lump It”

  1. I can totally relate to that process. Cap rising and saturn in capricorn in the 1st… I usually get stuck around the Keeping Going part though. But I’ll tell ya, that’s a great metaphor. No one carries a goat up a mountain indeed! 🙂

  2. Yes, that’s exactly the process, and it’s great to be reminded that it’s natural for us Cappies ::sighs:: a goat gotta do what a goat gotta do.

  3. Wow Elsa! I can totally relate to that as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is how I feel it all the time lately!!!

  4. This so describes me. I always try the “snap my fingers”, then wallow in self pity until my Capricorn sun says WTF ARE YOU DOING? WORK & CLIMB! CLIMB & WORK!

  5. But, but,,,,, I LIKE snapping my fingers!! peals of laughter. It always comes down to go through and keep going, doesn’t it? Well, after you go through the get and stay honest part. (That little trifle….LMAO.)

  6. Avatar
    curious wanderer

    Nail on the head. Cap sun w/ Saturn in the first here. Yeeesh. I want to say I’m not quite to the “achieve” part in my current journey, but I had a conversation with my spiritual mentor yesterday where I realized that the whole dang process is just an illusion, and I’m already there and there is no difference between here and there (wow that sounds so Neptuney, but it’s really the to-do list mentality I impose on myself). Of course, I still need to goat my way through it, or I won’t feel like I’ve done anything.

    Then when I’m done I get a gold star for my Saturn lesson. 🙂

  7. 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 :-)… 8-/ … 8-| … 8-\… !@$%!!! … …8888888…slow and steady wins the race… 🙂

  8. LOVE this post – especially the pic!! I help a friend out on a farm where she has milking goats, and they do it on their own. No “bullshit” (hahaha!), just mind your own business and get out of my way – until something catches their attention, and then get out of the way, ’cause they want to be in it….

    It’s all in the intention and the outcome – up the mountain we go..!

  9. I really needed this today. I’ve had some epiphanies the last 24 hours that are all about wounds that I cannot heal. Ignoring it really isn’t working. So I cried a little, and may cry a little more…but once again I am going to have to just let it go and get on with my own life with Lee and my daughter.

    In this case, stepping away is the right move. Elsa told me so several months ago, and although there has been some movement, the whole thing seems to be running retrograde at the moment.

  10. Avatar

    Revisited this for some help! Exactly what I needed to hear to keep kick my own arse into shape, so that others/Saturn figures don’t kick my arse for me. Gotta work harder. And separate what I can control from what I can’t. Separate what I lost forever from what I can still save. Call it Saturn in Scorpio “sunk costs” and all that. Another tip is not to wallow in low self-confidence too long. Very debilitating. Only turn back as a last resort.

  11. I’ve watched Caps in action. They could be battling ten different health problems + old age and they STILL go out there and do what they have to do. There really isn’t a choice! LOL

  12. no earth and being so in touch with this all now(sat in 1st)??can it be?
    ok one cannot order a different birth chart but I feel like one can work hard to develop useful traits which are lacking…I had to first make conscious that I was revolving around a beautiful bubble of all the possibilities(nept),this for decades.then met in myself the opposite goat,the one which no one can stop from going down the mountain and drawn in the sea(drunk?blind?no matter),over and over

    the pearl here to me is that the goat goes UP(power of choice),lucky cappies and all the earthy bunch who operate like this by default, to a watery-fiery like me it’s been a little(!)more complicated ..
    re-programming the goat,so helpful, thanks Elsa
    a mermaid-seal-black cat-goat

  13. I went through the Saturn transit through Libra years ago (I have a core stellium there and it got ‘conjuncted’).

    I am now embarking on the same transit except by square this time. Re-reading this post is a great way to start off on the right foot and see myself through successfully!

    The recipe is very clear! And I’ve always loved the mountain goat analogy!

  14. What a surprise (not) that I solicited legal counsel for my divorce when Tr Saturn was conjunct my Virgo Mercury on my 8H cusp. A few weeks later, Tr Pluto in my 11H at 0* Cap was squaring my 8H Libra Sun. End of a dream (11H) and I (Sun) was the one who filed the papers (8H).

    I totally agree with your final three bullet-pointed statements, Elsa. The pain of remaining in a loveless relationship far outweighed the legal perseverance. I was very proud of my efforts and truly transformed after the fact. I didn’t know I had it in me until I was severely tested.

  15. Very true. I love the sense of accomplishment you feel and strength you acquire in preparation for the next challenge. I have a strong Saturn and plenty of Capricorn so this energy is kind of a way of life for me.

  16. anonymoushermit

    Capricorn Moon here. Yes, I have snapped my finger and it doesn’t work. I don’t compare my luck to anyone else’s.

  17. Gosh, I wish the finger snapping would work : ) . My partners got a strong Saturn too, so it’s kinda double the effort and hard work.

  18. Avatar
    Hildegarde's Girl

    It reminds me of a Tony Robbins quote
    “IN order to make a change, the pain of NOT CHANGING has to be greater than the pain one anticipates when making a change
    I have a Saturn return(my 2nd one…yay…) in my 5th house as Saturn moves into Aquarius and sits on top of my natal Saturn at 5 degrees. Id say with confidence that my return will be about becoming grounded again. (I got pregnant at 30 in my last return)
    since Ive just had 5 rather irresponsible years in love and finance before this coming 2nd return in 2020.
    However, as it is in Aquarius I am hoping its not too crippling. Perhaps grounding me about how I move and love in the world and finding my obligation to humanity. I can only guess

  19. My Cap mercury agrees – its just sooo tired of dragging the scorpio mars out of the mud, cleaning it up, putting new clothes and giving it a prep talk. On the end of perseverance they agree but they both have discussions with the sun as to where to go and what to do first. Saturn in Pisces in the 6th square natal Saturn in Sag in the 3rd this year. Uranus in the 8th opposing Scorpio Mars in the 2nd.

    One of our dogs died yesterday very suddenly within 3 hours, the vet says it can only be poison, maybe a snake bite (we got them here). A reminder how quick life can be over…

  20. I noticed there is no one trying to motivate me to be uncomfortable. Getting myself to push through uncomfortable situations is what is making changes possible. It’s easy to stay on pace, but that’s getting me no where fast. Breaking that barrier of comfort is slow, but I know where I’m headed is far from here.

  21. Thank you for this explanation. I’ve been following your work for the last 5 or so years and it’s really been a lifeline.

    I’m going through my first Saturn return right now. Saturn is currently exact on my sun-mars conjunction and inching closer towards my natal Saturn before it retrogrades back towards my early-degree-Pisces mercury… then the whole sun-mars-Saturn conjunction over again next year, lol (it’s all in the 8th house).

    I relate heavily to feeling like the only way forward is through. Things are happening, but god it feels daunting sometimes, and I have that persistent ache you describe, like I am totally bereft at the scope of it all.

    Saturn ingress into Pisces last year happened a few days before my birthday and I haven’t slept well since. It seems the state of my health and psyche, overall, have been more jagged, and family relationships and my relationship with my partner are prominent, though they both have their share of problems (of which I am not blameless). I am constantly summoning resolve so i can work, finish school, attend to my health, mend some of the painful rifts of the last few years (maybe decades; generations) and not lose my god damn mind.

    I have hope, but a lot of it is due to the people in my life reminding me how much progress I’ve made and supporting me, as well as the realization that while every dream hasn’t come to pass, some actually have and they are richer (deeper, harder to achieve, more fulfilling ) than I could have ever imagined.

    I feel fragile, tired, wildly emotional, and like a veil has been lifted and I see life in a new, harrowing way, that is reshaping the way I relate to myself and other people.

    1. Thank you for sharing Della. I’m right there with you. I feel alone, tired, hysterical at times. 2nd Saturn Return in Pisces and Sat conj. my Chiron in my 2nd house. My dooms day fear is at an all time high. Not with the world but in my own future.
      Question: Saturn is currently at 18 deg conj my chiron at 18 in my 2nd house. Since May 19th it’s been so so hard, hurtful and challenging. Saturn retros back to 18 deg for 4 weeks. Is it about the same issues I went thru at 18 degrees direct? I don’t how much more I can take. Thank you.

  22. Dang Elsa! I finally have a little time so I’ve been going through your content (yay!) and of course enjoying it immensely. It connects so closely to what I’ve been experiencing in so many ways.

    After reading this I looked up when Saturn entered my second house and the timing perfectly coincides with some extremely significant events. Had to move to a new city very unexpectedly for a job for my spouse which didn’t work out in spectacular fashion, went through some denial, and eventually took the reins and did everything 100% myself with tremendous effort and so much pain.

    Fast forward to now and I’m enjoying 6 months of paid severance as my spouse and I take over a successful business. I couldn’t be more happy/grateful and certainly never saw this coming. I finally get to do all the things I’ve been wanting to do – life is good!

    It was cool reading the post you made about Saturn transiting the second house, perfect timing and also very on point as well. Thank you so much for helping me understand my life 😉

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