
Random weirdness…


Astro Chart Of An Anomaly

An anomaly is a deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule. It can be a statistical outlier, a rare event, or something that is simply unexpected. A gal read my Dark Heart post and sent me the chart of a person who she says fits this profile.  She provided some details […]

My 8th House On Anomalies

Talking to satori… “Remember that gal who came on my blog… she told me how unusual the soldier’s life had been, how incredible his life had been and how fortunate I was that I got to be in his company being as I was so usual?” “No, I don’t remember that,” she said.


His Scorpio Moon And My 8th House: Translating Normal People For The Anomoly

vThis for today’s Mercury Pluto – discussing (Mercury) the shadow / psychology /death (Pluto) “What is it that people don’t believe I was in Special Forces?” the soldier asked. Do you know when I have told someone that, not once have they believed me. Not once in my whole life have I been believed so

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saturn lord of karma

Rotten Things Happen – Is Your Past Life / Bad Karma To Blame?

Snapdragon asks on The Day The Police Came To Get Me also around the bad things that tend to happen to me. “Elsa, do you believe in past lives? (not sure that I do) I’m just wondering if you chalk it up to your chart, or to karma, or what?” Snapdragon,  I have been exposed

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An Anomaly In The Collective- My 8th House Informs The Young Woman What She Is In For

This is what happens when the Moon hits my Capricorn and transiting Saturn, natal Pluto in the eighth house. “If this is everything you know,” I said with my arms out, held in a circle. “Then this is your paradigm and everything you run into you, you’ll try to fit it into this space.” She

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