
Discussion of astrology books and more…

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The Sun In Astrology: How To Find Your Calling

‘When you have a “calling” it’s usually apparent to you, right?’ Monica on Making Heads Or Tails Of A Planet… kashmiri responded and since we’re talking the Sun in astrology, I thought I’d add my two cents. First, the Sun in astrology shows the vocation. vo-ca-tion 1. a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling. 2. […]

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Finding Someone Who Can And Will Tell You What You Need (Or Want) To Know

I have Uranus and Pluto…and now Mars and Jupiter transiting my natal Mars Mercury conjunction in the 9th house. I’ll tell you something. I study aggressively. If I want to know something, I go right for the throat. I am lucky (9th) and possibly skilled (Mars) when it comes to ferreting out interesting information (Mercury).

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Astrology Books For Beginners

Let’s say you’re read enough online to know you want to learn astrology and you’re ready to invest in some books. Since you can calculate a chart online you can start with 3-5 books. You need a book on planets in signs, and eventually a book on planets in houses. You need a book on

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