
Fear! Conscious, subconscious, paralysing, overcoming…

Are Your Problems Real Or Hologram?

I was talking to Scott yesterday, he’s been having some trouble. I hate it when my friends are suffering, even more than when I’m suffering myself. Especially when there is little you can do. Anyway, we were talking and he came off with this: “Oh, Elsie don’t worry about me. You have terrible problems and […]

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hall of mirrors

Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Fear Of Various Types

Scott on phone yesterday… “That’s my greatest fear,” he said. “I have always been afraid of that. I can’t imagine anything worse.” Listening, I thought his fear was very unlikely to ever manifest and I noted this in regards to Saturn Neptune. Hologram fear. “I don’t know what my greatest fear is,” I said. “I

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Parenting

I use Saturn Neptune techniques with my children all the time. I would! And themes run in families so it’s no surprise my daughter has Neptune in Capricorn (Saturn ruled) in mutual reception with her Saturn in Pisces (Neptune ruled). My son has a Saturn square Neptune, so basically we are a family of suggestible

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She Fears Commitment-Phobic Boyfriend’s Parents Will Drive a Wedge Between Them: Saturn Transit Through the 7th House

Dear Elsa, My boyfriend and I have been together for three years, and love each other very much. However, Saturn just entered his 7th house and I am worried about our relationship. His family doesn’t know we are still together. They think we broke up a year ago. His mother is not the nicest person,

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: An Introduction to Nifty Magic Available To All

I’m back on the Saturn Neptune thing, sorry for the delay! I spaced out (Neptune) my job (Saturn) there for a minute. I lost (Neptune) some time (Saturn)! ::grins stupidly:: But I meant to write about some of the positive manifestations of this combination because they are plenty and they are superb and sublime. And

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