
All about the Mars in the natal chart…

ElsaElsa ask the collective

Mars: What Is Your Temper Like?

I don’t think I have a bad temper but I am not sure others would agree. Many people have characterized me as hotheaded. There are too many to ignore. “Do you think I have a bad temper?” I asked my husband. “No. I think you have a temper but I would not say it’s a […]


Cutting Your Losses Is A Learned Skill

Mars is the planet the rules all cutting. The concept of cutting your losses is a learned skill rather than something you can reliably leave to human nature. I learned to cut my losses by playing cards as a kid. There are times you’ve got to fold your hand and absorb whatever losses result. You have


Gifting And Mars

“It is better to have loafed and lost, than never to have loafed at all.” –James Thurber Mars placement is indicative of how one acts. Venus expresses your esthetic, what you like and value. I’d say Venus plays a big part in the types of gifts a person is likely to pick out, but Mars,

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