
Movies, planets and the zodiac…

More Thoughts On Chiron

“Milton was right. The choice of every lost soul can be expressed in the words “Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.” There is always something they insist on keeping even at the price of misery.” –C. S. Lewis Peppermint made some comments on the Intro To Chiron blog that helped me […]

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Sleep With Her Husband At Your Own Risk Redux

Alison writes on Sleep With Her Husband At Your Own Risk: In the sixties we did see new ways of being; the pill gave sexual liberation, revolutionary art, poetry, music and fashion. However, having observed my fellow peers with Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo there is a deep conservatism in this bunch. Like the Virgo

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Leonard Cohen and the Pluto Uranus Conjunction of the 60’s Generation

From 2007… My friend, satori is a Pisces born in the 60’a with the Pluto Uranus conjunction in Virgo opposing her Sun. With Uranus transiting Pisces, I have been witnessing her liberation and kickin’ it up a gear whenever I think I can.   “Well I think you should check out some of this stuff

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Sagittarius, 9th House, Jupiter – Themed Movies

Continuing on the astrology-themed movie series (see Scorpio titles here), how about some Jupiter-themed titles? Jupiter rules outdoor sports, higher education, religion, luck, storytelling, etc. Personally I love feel good movies and can think of several titles. The first that comes to mind is Chariots of Fire Oscar’s best picture in 1981 it has all the


Fighting For Freedom And Survival

A few weeks ago my husband and I watched a movie, I thought it was great.  Matter of fact I called satori and told her I thought the movie was near perfect. I liked it’s tone, the casting, the costuming and the story was haunting to me.  The movie is, Defiance and I can’t seem

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