

Venus In Capricorn: Reject Them Before They Reject You

This was a follow on to this post: Capricorn And Rejection. A lot of people weighed in around how they handled being rejected. I wanted to expand the discussion. Venus is currently conjunct Mars in Capricorn. People don’t feel optimistic about relationships going well, do they’re busting all kinds of defensive (Saturn) moves. Specifically, you […]

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Capricorn art print

Capricorn And Rejection

Capricorn is sensitive to rejection.  If someone lets me know they don’t enjoy my company, I exit their life totally and permanently.  It’s easy to get rid of me . Just let me know you don’t want me there and you’ll not have a problem again! This is extreme in my case or so I’ve

Libra scales

Hookup Culture, FWB aka Rejection

I work with a lot of people trying to get their relationship lives straightened out.  This task takes many forms and lessons come in a myriad of ways but in most cases, people are using dating sites or apps. What I hear is a lot of women are offered sex.  Good looking man. Magic penis,

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