
mental holocaust

Saturn & Neptune In Pisces: Brain Melting – Cognitive Holocaust

I’ve was served this on Twitter. I’m not very familiar with the writer but I have to agree with him.  You can click that picture to enlarge it. I remember when a person’s odds of getting dementia seemed remote. Alzheimer’s Disease International now reports, 80% of the general public fear this diagnosis.  Of course! We […]


Grappling With Reality In 2024

Dealing with aging, job loss, illness, etc.  Just off the phone with an entrepreneur. We brainstormed his options, given the current conditions. Smart use of time, energy and resources. It’s rough ahead! Quit being gaslit and get yourself together? Related: Adapting To The Gig Economy Do you have a realistic view of of the future?

Vintge Pisces Fish Ashtray

Saturn & Neptune In Pisces & All Those Tears

Do you find yourself crying at the drop of a hat?  It’s Neptune in Pisces, sensitizing people, combined with Saturn in Pisces which dissolves blocks and your usual controls. It’s getting ridiculous, in my case.  If I see or hear of the slightest kindness, tears flow, almost immediately. If the transiting planets aspect planets in your

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