Addicted To Bad Predictions aka Failing Saturn In Pisces
Seriously, time to get a grip. Who will cop to losing time by worrying about the bad thing that doesn’t happen?
Seriously, time to get a grip. Who will cop to losing time by worrying about the bad thing that doesn’t happen?
Dealing with aging, job loss, illness, etc. Just off the phone with an entrepreneur. We brainstormed his options, given the current conditions. Smart use of time, energy and resources. It’s rough ahead! Quit being gaslit and get yourself together? Related: Adapting To The Gig Economy Do you have a realistic view of of the future?
Oh my God! You’re still here, too? Maybe we’re going to make it, after all! Maybe this means, quit investing in doom and get yourself on track! Are you so focused on the sky falling, you’re avoiding the real work?
I just wrote for a client who is feeling people don’t like her. She’s not felt this way before. I have known her for a long time and she does not come off as unlikeable at all. She’s just having a Saturn in Pisces transit. So are many other so… “I think you are seeing your inner
Do you find yourself crying at the drop of a hat? It’s Neptune in Pisces, sensitizing people, combined with Saturn in Pisces which dissolves blocks and your usual controls. It’s getting ridiculous, in my case. If I see or hear of the slightest kindness, tears flow, almost immediately. If the transiting planets aspect planets in your
I feel I’ve neglected Saturn in Pisces, though we all know to Stay In The Boat! But while writing tomorrow’s newsletter, I realize we have a lull in the action ahead. Here are some positive things to do with Saturn in Pisces: Transcend your fear. Pick ups some type of spiritual discipline. For example, I
The phrase, “fateful decision” ran through my mind. It’s a dramatic way of framing something, that’s not necessarily attached to reality. How much control do we have over our fate, anyway? It’s a lot less than I used to think. The illusion of control has been strong for a long time. As one example of
The other day, I was talking to a client about allowing something to incubate inside her. Like an idea? You sit on it like an egg. I came across this idea in a weird book I read in the 80’s. It was stressing the importance of patience and downtime. You have to let your ideas