
Variety of articles concerning Saturn in the 12th house of your natal chart.


Saturn Neptune & Loss Of Confidence

My husband and I have been watching The Great British Bake-Off, don’t ask me why.  Each season begins with thirteen bakers, competing. Invariably there’s a baker who starts out strong, if not completely dominating. The person seems a shoo-in to win. But then something happens… The baker has some kind of failure or receives feedback […]

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Life, Death & Real Connection

Few would argue the fact, society is deeply divided at this time.  Those on one side cannot relate to the other side. More and more, they don’t even want to try. This is sort of the facebook reality. You say the wrong thing and get unfriended. This seems insanely superficial to me. There is no

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The Stellium In Capricorn… Personally Speaking: The Little Match Girl

Kingsley wrote: “I think you mentioned the twelfth house previously Elsa. Things come from out of the blue in the twelfth. Its hard to say what might be “going on” in that hidden house. All will be revealed when one planet after the other crosses the ascendant. I guess you will have to trust your

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