Venus Conjunct Mercury In Sagittarius

UW HuskiesSagittarius is sporty and freedom-loving. Venus is the aesthetic, what we find appealing, and Mercury is the senses and communication. Last night I didn’t really feel like checking in with anyone, the thought (Mercury) just didn’t appeal (Venus). Rather than making a plan, I followed the chain of events (Sadge is mutable) and wound up at a football game (Sadge likes sporty action). There was lots of good-natured shouting (Mercury in Sadge).

Sadge energy is buoyant, a bit reckless and BIG. It tends to resist containment. It’s a merry fire that burns bright. Mercury in Sadge tends to talk big: “Our team is the BEST!” and with Venus in the sign this kind of banter is appealing. Tomorrow with the Moon heading into Aries conjuncting Uranus, hearts can swell with the fiery urge to break out and be jolly, or sporty, or physical, or perhaps philosophical, when these two conjunctions trine.

How is your weekend shaping up?

13 thoughts on “Venus Conjunct Mercury In Sagittarius”

  1. Well, yay! That happy Sadge energy is the best thing about this time of year. Looking forward to it!

    Also, my progressed stellium in Virgo just has to mention: You said “I followed the chain of events (Sadge is fixed),” when of course your meant mutable. Just fyi. 🙂

  2. We went to a talk that ran longer than I thought it would. Even though I believe in certain things, I get a bit antsy when people bring up Bigfoot and a few other things (although two years ago, when there was a report of Bigfoot being seen in Ohio, I just knew they were going to mention our small town, and they did – it’s just typical).

    The people were nice, although I’m so used to reading posts on boards about these things, that being in a room with people actually talking about it was a little surreal. The main speaker was interesting, and entertaining. A hypnotherapist (not therapist), and into all sorts of other healing modalities. She spoke about having experienced colon cancer, about seeking joy, and all sorts of other things. I liked her, and might be interested in seeing her for hypnotherapy.

  3. Satori,

    Great post as always 🙂 You do have great writing skills, wonderful choices of words and sentences. I wonder if your natal mercury is nicely aspected with venus? 3rd house or gemini must be well placed perhaps? do you have any plans in the future to write a book perhaps?

    My weekend so far is wonderful. Friday was a 5 star. By the way, I read your post sometime around halloween about a movie by Stephen King. I couldnt get hold of a copy this weekend but I watched Case 39 instead. If you haven’t watched it yet, you might want to consider it. I also watched They Live. It’s old but the message is very powerful and thought you might enjoy it.

    enjoy the rest of your weekend and looking forward to your next post…:-D

  4. Sagittarius reminds me of my Dad, he had a merry Sag moon. Sports were a big thing, I always forget this. But suddenly, yesterday, I was very buoyed up by listening, on the radio, to a game between SouthWestern Minnesota University and CSU, I believe.
    I forgot that I actually can follow a basketball game in my head like that.
    This comes from years of being dragged to sports by my brother and my Dad, and having nothing better to do while there than to watch.

  5. Work, work, work. Buttoning up for winter. But it does feel good. Getting things done. I think the applied energy boost could be affected by Mars moving into conjunction with Pluto, or the full moon conjunct asc coming up. Doesn’t really matter, if I sit still too long, I feel weird and nauseous. Also if I eat too close to bed time, I am miserable. Odd.

  6. Peyton, thank you, that is a lovely compliment! I have a 7th house mercury and a third house Mars, both in water, trining.

  7. And I actually watched They Live for the first time with my son before he left for college recently. It made a huge impression on me!

  8. Sun: Capricorn
    Moon: Scorpio
    Venus: 28*16′ Scorpio ( conjunct Mars in Sagittarius)
    Mars; Mercury: Sagittarius
    Asc: Aries – Des: Libra

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