Vicious Women: Opposition, Projection, The Moon And The 7th House

the abyssI am surrounded by vicious women in real life. I’m like the Jane Goodall of vicious women and am mindful not to “look long into the abyss” (Nietzsche) lest I also become a monster. When I mention the astrological aspects in regard to this condition please be mindful that I am talking about the low use of such energies. Even a cheerfully painted cookie jar can be a means of destruction in the wrong hands.

I know a married woman who works with the public who is constantly running into men she thinks are tasty. She also thinks they are interested in her. We have a mutual friend who is single and attractive. The mutual friend complained to me that this first woman was constantly giving her phone number to these men and telling her what great guys they were. She’d go out with them and find out they were terrible candidates for dating and the other gal was no more than an acquaintance to them. This was realized after she was in so deep she was hurt. Yet she continued to go out with each new prospect.

What is going on here? The married woman and the single woman both have water moons in the 7th house. The married woman has it in opposition to a 1st house sun, square a 4th house Mars. Both have Neptune involved seriously fogging up their intentions, internally and externally. The single woman has moon-Venus aspecting both Jupiter and Mars. They have similar signatures. Both very much want a tasty man, want to be wanted by the tasty man. They need it. The married woman sees a tasty bit she can’t have. She projects herself onto the single woman (sun, herself, opposing moon, the other woman, double whammy in the 1st to 7th houses), sets up the scenario, then calls her up the next day to experience satisfaction vicariously. The other woman, even knowing how this ends badly for her, permits this projection. They are both getting some measure of their needs met through the other, Moon in the 7th.

The married woman also has Pluto opposing the moon which may speak to her ability to hold the power in this situation, as well as the taboo sexual voyeurism aspect of all this.

I got drawn into this scenario when it was MY man who was targeted by the married woman. The single woman is a good enough friend to me that she notified me immediately. I tactfully and calmly (I think) confronted the married woman and she flipped out. She immediately defriended and blocked me on Facebook and I’ve heard through the grapevine that she is gossiping about what a venomous, possessive and controlling bitch I am. Maybe I am and maybe I’m not but what seems pretty clear here is the projection. She took her venom and nastiness, projected it onto me and castigated me publicly. She is all het up about it. I remain fairly nonplussed.

I have seventh house planets and oppositions in my chart. I have sun opposing Pluto from the 7th to 1st. I am prone to giving and receiving projection. However, I am mindful of the matter and try to live the higher end.

Here’s a happy-ish ending for you: the single gal stopped dating the married gal’s tasty bits and found a man on her own. So far, so good, and I was happy for her that she chose to step outside of that very pathological connection.

Do you have 7th house personal planets or oppositions? Are you prone to projection/projecting? How do you handle vicious women who attempt to project their nastiness on you?

64 thoughts on “Vicious Women: Opposition, Projection, The Moon And The 7th House”

  1. Avatar

    Wow, this sounds so familiar to me. I have Venus in Cancer in the 7th…moon (cancer obviously, ruling the 7th) opposite uranus, and Venus opposite neptune. I have ALWAYS encountered mean, nasty, vicious women who for one reason or another could not stand me. I never understood it, I still don’t…we are talking about starting in grade school, where girls ( 1st-2nd grade? come on) would spread rumors about me, or talk about me amongst each other, and tried to make me feel ostracized from their group/clique. It’s always women, never, ever, ever men (atleast not to my knowledge). I’m not stuck-up, I am friendly to everyone that I meet, so I never got it, why so many women merely lay eyes on me and immediately hate me…. and I still don’t get it. It’s quite disconcerting. Thanks for shedding some light on this topic Satori.

  2. I have oppositions and consider myself a cognizant person…The more I tap into my Uranus (which opposes my Sun) the more I don’t experience this. I’ve been told countless times by people IRL close to me I give off a “not playing the game vibe”, which makes me happy because THAT is EXACTLY what I want to project: disinterest.

    I used to project ‘sap.’ I could tell you stories of the sob stories I’ve fallen for. I remember reading a Martha Beck article once on ‘beware the over-sharers’ and it was a real eye-opener.

  3. Moon in 1st, empty 7th House. I think I was looking for my mother wherever I could (I forgot where she lived or something?) ::snort::

  4. I forgot to tell you how I handle women like this: in the past, I’d give it to ’em, you know? Tell them the truth about who they are. Straight up. Then they’d cry. Crocodile tears, but they’d cry.

    Now I just kinda stay away from women from the first inkling I get that they’re… not all there?
    I got flack for that until others started realizing that I was right about certain people.

    Anyhow, thank goodness your single friend moved on from this nonsense and, as it seems, so have you.

  5. I have had this problem, no planets in the 7th though. I play dumb like I don’t know what they are up to and let them hang themselves.

    Seriously, if you hear a woman ranting about how awful someone else is don’t ya just know that she is the problem? I do.

    Plus I also don’t have to deal with the people that believe her. Thanks for raising your hand and letting me know that you aren’t anyone I would want to be friends with too. Separating the wheat from the chaff.

  6. “Seriously, if you hear a woman ranting about how awful someone else is don’t ya just know that she is the problem? I do.”

    It’s not my first thought because sometimes people vent but if it keeps up, yep, I begin to draw the same conclusion.

    It’s just like anything else. Eventually the truth will out.

  7. So, my sun/pluto conjunction is in the 7th, if I am correct about my rising. I have always had major power struggles with certain types of women, who have projected all sorts of crap onto me. So, the sun in the 7th is the source of this?

  8. could be, ruth.

    I’d like to point out that I only talk about people’s charts when they have either given permission or when they have contacted my man and then called my friend to ask if she knows how big his dick is.

  9. I have Venus and Moon in the 12th. I have a long history of conflicts with women in the work institutions. Women can be very territorial…and possesive of the environment. I tried to dance around them..let em know not to push to far (mars is my scout planet)..I leave as soon as I can. The conflict really drags ya down over time. Lilith plays a roll in the independent woman thing also.

  10. There are some real bitches out there. I’ve met a few real doozies on racing forums – one of whom I had the misfortune to encounter while working on course. Better not go there! A fellow Cap too, so I knew exactly what her game was.
    I’ve had women (two) try to pinch my men and then connive with other people to try to make me homeless. I’ve had plenty whom I’ve supported emotionally and with practical help, only for them to pull the rug when it’s their turn to hand out the support. So I can’t agree with this statement either:
    “Seriously, if you hear a woman ranting about how awful someone else is don’t ya just know that she is the problem? I do. ”
    – because sometimes it really is deserved that the woman is called out on her behaviour

    @ Satori – lol from me too!

  11. Me too. Nastiness from (mostly) women all my life for no justifiable reason. They are usually very hateful and MEAN. Strangers, ‘friends’, family, makes no difference if they know me or not. I’m just a convenient target to hate on! So stupid, I don’t even notice it anymore.

  12. truth, ruth!

    a person might notice that the single woman was projecting as well, she projected her own good intentions onto the married woman and refused to see they were not there!

    you can project the nice as well as the nasty. both are dangerous as they are not reality.

  13. “I’ve had plenty whom I’ve supported emotionally and with practical help, only for them to pull the rug when it’s their turn to hand out the support.”

    haha, yes! I’ve even had one act indignant like they were doing ME a favor.

  14. Fascinating. I have Uranus and Pluto in the 7th, but I haven’t had problems with women like that in years. I used to be a ‘cuda magnet, but I dunno, I’ve come a long way personally since then so maybe I don’t attract that shadow shit anymore. I work in a department with 78 women and 5 dudes, so you would think there would be trouble there, but the bitches stay away from me and the good women give me hugs in the hall.

    I can’t believe your man was targeted, satori, that is so crappy.

  15. I have Scorpio Neptune in the 7th tied up with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, ASC and Midheaven… I am pretty sure I am the giver and receiver of projections. I also play dumb like I don’t know what some people are up to and let them hang themselves.

  16. Von, I used to play dumb too, and then I got hoisted by my own backside when I found I actually liked the person I was projecting all my stuff onto. If that makes sense. 🙂 Mind you, I’m not talking about vicious… just cutting. I have venus in aries 7th house.

  17. to “hoist on one’s own petard” from wikipedia:

    The word petard comes from the Middle French peter, to break wind, from pet expulsion of intestinal gas, from Latin peditum, from neuter of peditus, past participle of pedere, to break wind; akin to Greek bdein to break wind. (Merriam-Webster) Petard remains a French word meaning a firecracker today (in French slang, it means a handgun, or a joint).
    The word remains in modern usage in the phrase hoist with one’s own petard, which means “to be harmed by one’s own plan to harm someone else” or “to fall into one’s own trap,” literally implying that one could be lifted up (hoist, or blown upward) by one’s own bomb.”

    1. Beautiful! ‘Hoisted by one’s own petard’ is a quote I’ve used often. I’ve understood ‘petard’ to be a squib or small explosive. Now I see it exquisitely explained, in detail.

  18. Luckily, not since high school. But I definitely know what you are talking about ! I used to get this a lot as a teenager. Not just from the Queen Bee at school, but my Stepmother too. Interestingly, I’m now getting along with both. So, I think a Pluto transit may have had something to do with their behavior. They are both Sun Aquariuses, with Sun quite late in the sign. This was in the late 80’s- early 90’s, they both were going through Pluto square Venus that time. Oh, and my Dad started first dating my Stepmother during my Pluto conjunct Venus transit. Telling or not ?

  19. well Satori, I don’t think this woman is vicious, I think she’s hideous and pathetic. I also have to wonder where the hell you live. No one over the age of seventeen ever has sex in my town.

  20. It seems normal/logical to me that you confront her about wanting your man. Nothing wrong with that. l combine logic and intuition to get a picture of what’s going on. l have 1st house Pluto in Libra well, trine sun…no other 7th house placements.
    Neptune opposing Sun. Mercury opposing Moon…
    Have no idea if l project things on to people l don’t think so. The thing l dispise most is when others interfere with my life. l don’t do that with others and l don’t like when people do it with me. Whatever l do it’s my life and l try not to hurt others. But lately l have some people (mostly women) interfering with my life.
    I retreat out of the relationship, that’s my way of dealing with it.
    The thing l don’t understand is why are women so hurtfull to eachother?? They can be vicious indeed. Where does that come from?? it must be more then just astrological aspects…it must go way back somehow.

  21. I have very little tolerance for nasty women. Satori..bless you for your restraint because I don’t know that the woman would have had a chance to defriend me (with broken fingers and black eyes and all). Talking about the husband at all #1 in a manner indicative of a huntress moving in is dangerous in itself as far as I’m concerned #2..specifically talking about his dick size..that’s one dead bitch. LOL, sorry, that’s just how I feel. I would absorb her *no class* and give it right back to her in spades!

    Typically, I do not feel that I receive a lot of projection. When I do, I can recognize. As for me projecting..I don’t think I do..but now that you have pointed out the tendency I’m going to try to be more aware. I can tell you that I do have a tendency to be a little paranoid..its better now that Ive recognized it because it used to be A LOT paranoid in love relationships due to some projections of my thoughts about myself onto romantic partners.

    I have Pluto and Venus in the 7th with Pluto square Jupiter and conjunct Mars (I’m no push over) and venus is square saturn. My history of love relationships has been..uh..turbulent probably due to my tendencies with these at least in part.

    Thanks Satori, you always give me something else to delve into 🙂

  22. If you will notice, there is a different energetic tone and different vocabulary words used when someone is complaining about someone who keyed the car, versus when they are just bad mouthing someone for spite.

  23. “you can project the nice as well as the nasty. both are dangerous as they are not reality.”

    eye-opener. so difficult to separate the ick apart and figure out what’s real.

    Moon/Pluto/Mars 7th. Neptune trine Asc

  24. ” The thing l don’t understand is why are women so hurtful to each other?? ”

    Elsa said in a post a few weeks ago, and it’s so true (apologies for the paraphrase Elsa!) that some women will do anything to keep ‘the man’ on board, including tossing any other woman over the side. Sad but true, and boy are they refusing to see where true friendship lies

  25. Do you think its akin to power (sometimes politics. Get everybody to turn on everybody, so the ones in power never get suspected and maintain their positions of ‘power’? No teamwork. …and they fly so high the ones down on the ground can’t even see them. (the power thing.)

    Jung says its shadow material (the disowned parts of the [4] feminine archetypes).
    I AlWAYS drew hatred from girls as a kid especially/ then women, but at other times in my life received a lot of support, (as long as I stay down where I belong). I also never knew when I was being deceived
    No planets in the 7’th tho.
    I guess throwing one’s pal’s overboard would depend on how committed they had been to me, most of my ‘friends’ I share little in common and they are married or in committed relationships. They get the gift of seeing the contrast in our lives.

    Later in life my imaginings are about (is it because of the ‘damsel in distress’ worn out role? ‘cos they are undoubtedly all a whole hell of a lot smarter..)

  26. Satori,
    I think I receive men’s projections.(like the ‘mermaid fable).
    I don’t think I have the parts to receive women’s.
    (except victim) ??
    This also makes me wonder about a conversation between Margaret Atwood and Gwen MacEwan talking together about ‘the voices in their heads’ being ‘muse’ ..Margaret insisted they were feminine, the GREAT feminine, for creative people. Gwen said her muse (inner voice) was male.
    If ‘Heteira’ stands for ‘friend to man’, something might be challenging the ‘friendship’ within the marriage. sorry if i’m rambling. (always kind of thought the 4 temperaments fit in humanistic astrology)just a beginner here

  27. yes, but i don’t confront, generally. i like to distract them and slip away in the fog (my seventh house planet is my pisces) before they get a good look at me.
    but if that’s no longer a possibility, well, sticking up for my boundaries, making it clear to them they can’t push me over, and avoiding their social circle like the plague generally does the trick.

  28. Oh my, let’s see 7th house sun and Venus, Neptune conjunct ascendant opposite Venus … I tend to reflect all kinds of nastiness in miserable people. Not saying I’m a bowl-full of cherries, but sheesh, it does get old after a while having to remember “no that’s HER problem, not mine.”

  29. Satori, I like this article. “Some” women not all will deliberately do this to someone else’s man to prove to themselves that they still have “it”. That they can flirt and entice your man to make you feel jealous and get a reaction from you. This is an ego gratification for them…and this is their drug of choice. Watch for their very subtle provocative gestures followed by flirty words and pretend as if they are just acting normal. If you confront them, they will deny it and will tell you that you’re paranoid and giving meaning to everything.

    I call this the classic Angelina Jolie move…LOL!

    How to stop these women? easy, mirror them, project to them what they are projecting to your man. YES you heard me right, to them because they will become uncomfortable and will realize you know what’s going on. You can also start discussing about a girlfriend who’s not happy because she’s not getting it at home…lol!!! If it still won’t work, try using the George Costanza’s (Seinfeld) famous line, “Menage a trois”?…..ROTF. It’s my Pluto conj Uranus conj Asc. I like to shock people.

    P.S. Yes, women are hurtful to each other, just watch “The View”.

    1. lol@ the view and the classic Angelina jolie move.
      that does sound awful though, truthfully. why bother with the “entice and make you feel jealous to get a reaction from you.”? I didnt realize it was an “ego” satisfaction. to me it sounds like it’s more like unhappiness inside so it’s projection. 🙁 alot of women are very unhappy.

  30. Yes Satori, thanks, your post brought a number of things back into focus. (forgotten things, including how complicated people’s strategies/agendas can be.)…fills my head with cotton tho’

  31. reminds me too of the loooooong journey from: naïveté,
    then into dragon lady (trying to decide if this is how this experience fit into what you mean when you say projection) except I never felt that was ‘not real’, it was a defense I thought, looking back in retrospect). One last thought I had also, was hyper-suggestibility due to really weak boundaries.
    then into ….?
    what’s up next? a (different?) journey.
    Maybe the ‘crone’s’?
    Or back to ‘virgin’?
    I don’t know, with my peer set, there was often options, acceptance and (hippie?) unconditional love. All-inclusive etc.
    Somebody else’s jealousy through projection (in my opinion) when they (a man in my case) was unable to express his own jealousy, with same man an anger issue as well. Ran like hell to get out of that one. That sure didn’t feel real but the anger/ jealousy was all consuming. Toxic relationship I think. Thanks Satori

  32. Blamer, i love your ‘drug of choice’! sick, sick, sick neurotic addiction. Excellent.
    I would have to consult Eric Berne’s ‘games’ and his ‘rackets’ to get my head around all of it. leaves my head spinning, Satori. lol

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