What Happens When Your Progressed Moon Changes Signs?

leo moonYour progressed moon changes signs every 2.5 years. My progressed moon will change signs this month. I’m relieved!

I appreciate every zodiac signs and the feeling states they denote. I get a lot from each periods.  I just like to graduate. I want to exhaust a subject and move on to the next.

Over the years, I’ve noticed the sign of my progressed moon will impact my appearance, dramatically.  It’s not something you’d automatically associate with the moon, but how you feel affects everything. How could it not?

In this case, my progressed moon will leave Scorpio for Sagittarius. I’ve been immersed in all kinds of taboo and psych and healing stuff. I’m looking forward to more broadcasting.

Do you track your progressed moon? 
In general, do you give status to the moon in astrology?
Where is your progressed moon?

We sell a phenomenal Progressed Chart Report. Check out the sample, you’ll see what I mean!

14 thoughts on “What Happens When Your Progressed Moon Changes Signs?”

  1. My progressed Moon has just entered Pisces, joining my progressed Sun (trine Neptune) and Venus. Transcendence anyone? 🙂

  2. Mine’s in Sagittarius and I like it. It’s right smack in the middle so I have a year or so until it hits Capricorn.

    Progressed Moon is such an interesting topic to me. Each time the sign changes you can feel it and new internal experiences abound.

    I also like the external you write about. When my p. Moon was in Leo, I bought a flashy red car. It was a budget buy but it still brought me lots of attention and was so much fun!

    P. Moon in Virgo was the start of my learning all about health and nutrition beyond the food pyramid. Scorpio was my dark night of the soul. I don’t care to revisit that one, haha.

  3. I count on the moon. My progressed moon is newly in Virgo, opposing a Pisces venus. A more discerning appetite for what can truly satisfy me. I’m feeling it, just don’t know how to break old habits. That’s why I’ve just ordered a solar return chart to look for clues. And then maybe, follow up with another progressed chart.

  4. I’ve always had a hard time understanding how the progressions work with the natal. But now I can see it more easily. Pisces seeps in and informs the earthy Capricorn planets. They’re still there just a little less rigid. 🙂

  5. My progressed moon is in Taurus..My natal moon is in my first house and even though I dont see most transits until I reflect back on them I am very much aware of how the moon affects me.

  6. Another progressed Taurus moon over here. I love it! Feel so much more stable internally than I have in a while.

    My natal Moon is in Pisces.

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    the laughing goat

    My progressed moon is currently in Aries… I’ve just been pist off. It’ll go in to Taurus in the fall which is my natal moon placement and so looking forward to this. I’m sick of being prickly.

  8. Progressed moon in Aquarius and about to conjunct natal mercury next month at 20 degrees. Buying a big house from the Catholic Church in the center of town. My mercury is ruler of my 12 degrees Virgo MC. Jupiter Jupiter yay yay Jupiter! Just turned 38 March 1(Feb 28, solar) so I’m having another 19 year north node return, this years new moons are conjunct my prenatal new moon and current new moon phase which I attribute to a claiming of my destiny. My progressed ascendant is on my natal second house cusp at 29 degrees Sagittarius, the sabian The Pope blessing the Faithful. This will be the second time in my life I live next to a church(Pisces IC conjunct natal sun). The house needs remodeled but that’s what our family business does. It’s big and beautiful and my natal libra moon is going to have the time of its life making it more so! (Pisces here??‍♀️, I see everything as it could be). I’m so happy. Jupiter Jupiter yay yay Jupiter.

    Lol, you guys feelin that Jupiter about to conjunct my natal mercury and progressed moon next week

  9. I noticed a PRONOUNCED shift when my prog. Moon moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. Especially since I have Aquarius on my Ascendant.

    It was a profound time, lots of loss finalized (my mom cut me off for example), my ex BF dumped me, I was very stressed. My progressed Mars was already in Aquarius, so it was like coming out of a very long and dark tunnel!

    Almost all my personal progressed planets is in Cap and the Sun will hit Cap in a couple of years.

    1. This Summer my moon will move into Pisces.

      It will probably be … Frankly I don’t know. More artistic perhaps?

  10. No I don’t track my progressed moon nor do I give it much status. Currently Progressed moon is in Sagittarius and will move in Capricorn early August 2021.

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