Your Astro Profile!

zodiac puzzle brightLast year, I offered to send people their “personality scores” for the price of a donation.  This was super fun and popular. I still get asked for these reports; I was asked twice in the last week so I am renewing my offer to send these out.

Here’s the original letter:

This is a bit off the wall, but interesting. Years ago, I wrote about astrology not being “flat”. Astrology isn’t flat because people aren’t flat. They are marvelously complex. You can never know someone completely, even if the person is yourself!

So astrology is able to show us our blind spots. These are things we don’t up in our “press kits”. We may deny our “bad” but we deny our “good” just as often! It’s just hard to see around your backside. Doctors have x-rays or MRIs. Astrologers have charts!

Comprehending your basic natal chart is the best place to start but here’s another odd thing. I have this Personality Score deal that uses your natal chart to rank your interests in 25 categories. Interpretation via computer may be limited but it runs around natural human bias, both yours and mine!

We played with this back in 2011. Satori wrote about it here: Personality Reports & Doughnuts. I trotted this out, yesterday when a friend and client was asking about ways to increase her understanding of her chart. Later, I decided to look at my own scores. Some of them surprised me so I decided to renew my old offer.

I will send anyone their Personality Report for a small tip. Here’s a sample report: Astrology Personality Scores.

There is a discussion about this here: Your Astrology Personality Scores. I shared my highest (and lowest) scores. It’s revealing. Revealing to you but also to me!

You never know when a little piece like this can crack something open for you. Matter of fact, that’s exactly how it works, most of the time!

I have no idea how many people might want this report but I will try to be quick. If I am asleep when you order, quick will be slow!

Tip here or you can use Kofi. I’ll need the birth data(s) for your reports and an email address for delivery. Thank you!

7 thoughts on “Your Astro Profile!”

  1. Thank you for the Personality Score opportunity, Elsa! I was born December 6, 1951 in Montgomery, AL at midnight (yep! That’s what my birth certificate states.)

  2. This sounds so fun! I made a donation, but didn’t realize I needed to include all my info in the comment on that donation. Is there another way to contact you with my birth info?

  3. Hello Elsa,
    tipped you then, nothing happend. Will tip you once more. But I don’t want my personal birth dates in the comments. Okay for you?

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