How Do You Operate & What’s Your Motive?

“…This is all a process. What I am and what I want, is not to be the originator of the information as you seem to be saying is your process. My process is not like the Liz Greene’s of the world. For me, I want to inhabit the middle space and take the information others […]


Weekend Love Forecast – Sun-Neptune Field Of Dreams

Friday afternoon through evening, the Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini sextiles Aries Mercury and squares Pisces Saturn. The mood ought to be popping, a myriad of options and interest-based possibilities. However, it might seem like there’s a stick for every spoke.

hall of mirrors

Venus Conjunct Saturn In Pisces: Universal Law, Money Disappears, Feeling Rejected

Venus will conjoin Saturn in Pisces on March 21, 2024.  There’s a high side to everything but this is a tough one. People are sensitized.  It’s common to feel rejected; to imagine you’re being rejected or oppressed. The simple fear of this happening can disable a person. In some cases, this may be actually be

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