sadness of lions

How Does Lilith Manifest in a Chart?

When we talk about interpreting Lilith in the natal chart, it’s important to stress that it is a process. Myth makes it clear that there is a distinct Lilith journey, and in order to fully come into our power, we must recognize where we are in that journey. We’ve talked already about identifying the wound.

Pluto old card

What Planetary Energy Do You Strongly Represent?

Maureen asks on Rotten Things Happen: “Elsa, would you say you are a Plutonian character?” maureen, yes. I have a packed 8th house, but I am also very Saturnian, very Mercurial and have a pretty strong Jupiter streak as well. Er.. my Mars is notorious and I even manage to be pretty strongly Neptunian. If

Do People Have A Primal Need To Partner?

I came across this post from 2011. We were discussing the primal desire to procreate which many experience. This was riginally titled, “Primal” Goes Beyond Procreation. I wrote: “I am not sure that relationship between men and women has actually evolved… or that it even can evolve. Women binding their feet years ago in China,

Venus square

Overemphasis On Appearance

In the age of Instagram, we put far too much emphasis on appearance.  People go to outrageous extremes, in order to have what they feel is a more attractive appearance. Yet they totally neglect to develop other parts of themselves such as their character or their intellect!

Neptune cuff

Tips For People Having Neptune Transits

In working with clients having Neptune transits, I’m cautious in what I say. People are suggestible under a Neptune transit. It’s important to realize you have free will. Beware an astrologer coming ’round telling you that X and Y and Z was going to happen, as if your life is completely out of your hands. Under

lion leo moon

What is it Like to Have the Moon in Leo?

Recently I’ve had a streak of clients with the Moon in Leo, and there seem to be a lot of misconceptions about that placement. It’s Leo! Leo is shiny and bright, so these natives must be walking rays of sunshine, right? Leo is bold and confident, so they must not have to wrestle with insecurity

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