Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

What Energy Does Elsa Represent?

I got into an interesting dialogue with a newcomer, Mary on Undermining, Nasty Neptune post. She said she has been reading awhile and has seen me as Saturnian, and not at all Plutonian, which was curious. I told her I felt I could represent all the planets in a way that is pronounced. “…Yes, I […]


Don’t Fear the Reaper

Now that all the planets in Capricorn have turned direct, I am hearing a lot of fear. People are afraid of consequences, afraid of loss, afraid of the sword of Damocles falling onto their heads. They’re afraid of being pulled back into the darkness.

small christmas elves

Use Astrology To Navigate the Holidays: 2020-21

I hate the idea of people on edge, especially during the holidays! To address this, each year I offer this guide: Using Astrology To Navigate The Holiday Season. It’s meant to ease stress so you can sail through the holidays and enjoy yourself. This year-end is extraordinary in that we’ve been battered with a global

goat on a ledge

When Will Things Get Better?

People keep asking me, “when am I going to get out of this mess?” Or this holding pattern, or whatever it is that has them stuck. I keep telling them, so long as there’s a stellium in Capricorn where all planets involved are retrograde, people will have trouble gaining traction. “When then?” When the planets


The Quality Of My Energy

The moon is in Capricorn, conjunct Saturn and Pluto. I wrote this ten years ago, using the word, “entitlement”. In whatever case, it’s interesting, relevant and still, true! maureen wrote on Attention Seeking Behavior: “I don’t know how you do it Elsa, but I’m grateful the universal tides bring you back to shore again and

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