hall of mirrors

Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Fear Of Various Types

Scott on phone yesterday… “That’s my greatest fear,” he said. “I have always been afraid of that. I can’t imagine anything worse.” Listening, I thought his fear was very unlikely to ever manifest and I noted this in regards to Saturn Neptune. Hologram fear. “I don’t know what my greatest fear is,” I said. “I […]

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OCD & Sexual Repression: Scorpio Rising, Stellium in Aries

I’m in my last year of university, but I feel it’s hard to move forward to what is next in my life. Ever since I’ve been 15, my sex drive has been non-existent. I remember it was very strong for a bit, but I felt very guilty about it and the feelings I was experiencing.

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Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: On Death and Dying

Scorpio Moon chatting with a packed 8th house. This is the retired Special Forces soldier and I on the phone. He’s the Scorpio Moon, with Mercury in Aries. I’m a packed 8th house with Mars Mercury in Libra and death and dying one of our favorite topics. “I hear all that crap on TV about

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