woman smoking

Pluto Transits & The Root Of Your Psychological Patterns

My early morning client had a really interesting chart.  She’s down low and simultaneously, high-flying. She’s open and closed and she embodies several other dichotomies. Stick a Pluto transit to the angles of a chart like this and it’s going to be a hellacious party trying to sort what’s happening. Sometimes, a Pluto transit seems

mind prison

Saturn in Pisces: Mind Prison – Easily Persuaded Or Controlled

I’ve been observing my own mental resistance over this last week or so. I am trying to think outside the proverbial box. It’s remarkably difficult. I don’t think it should be, for someone like me. Specifically, I’m talking about having Mercury conjunct Mars in my 9th house. I’m designed to think out of bounds. Bumping into

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