August 2008

One Of The Things That Makes Me Tick… More Than One For The Keen

Kingsley wrote on, “Just What Makes You Tick, Panizzon?“…. “The soldier seems to have an air of authority in the bath tub Elsa. It does sound like one of those six week – workshop kind of questions “what makes you tick”. Maybe its best if he doesn’t know and leaves that piece of work up […]

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saturn lord of karma

Rotten Things Happen – Is Your Past Life / Bad Karma To Blame?

Snapdragon asks on The Day The Police Came To Get Me also around the bad things that tend to happen to me. “Elsa, do you believe in past lives? (not sure that I do) I’m just wondering if you chalk it up to your chart, or to karma, or what?” Snapdragon,  I have been exposed

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The Meaning Of Your Jupiter Return

Dear Elsa, I have my Jupiter return happening now in Capricorn. This is supposed to be a big event because I have Sagittarius rising and my Jupiter is in my 1st house. I really don’t know that much about Jupiter returns. Maybe you would want to share something about this with the collective. Oh and

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