September 2008

Why Do People Attack Or Undermine Someone’s Happy Relationship?

Lisa Martin Molinari commented on the Gaslighting video (on youtube) regarding people who come on my blog to criticize my (happy) relationship: “Why do people do this? Is it an insecurity? I would think if they are criticizing your relationship when you are obviously happy, then they must be jealous. I have just gotten rid […]

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Why Do People Associate Negativity With Virgo?

Dear Elsa, I am a Virgo who has had an incredibly difficult time trusting anyone. Especially when it comes to any potential mates or even friends, I often push people away even though I really prefer to be around people and have friends and loved ones near. So far I have found that I am

Virgos, Venus In Pisces, Venus In The 12th: Avoid Lying Down With Dogs

There is another angle on that Venus Neptune painting piece I want to flesh out bit for very specific purpose. It is the mention in there of HQ’s vote of confidence in our relationship. The soldier and I were facing a very hard road if we were going to find a way to come together.

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