January 2009

Henry In His Own Words: Double Capricorn, Desert Philosopher and Authentically Interesting Person – Part Nine

Catch up here – Henry in his own words… These are amusing. A double Capricorn writing to a judge. 🙂 Letter to US District Judge Oct. 21 1956 Dear Sir: One of my secret ambitions has been to sit on a jury and I felt honored when the summons came yesterday. However, several obstacles stand […]

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Henry In His Own Words: Double Capricorn, Desert Philosopher and Authentically Interesting Person – Part Eight

Although Henry was had fervent interest in religion and studied throughout his life, we were never taught anything specific to believe. Stellium in Sagittarius, he was wide open to discuss the subject and people commonly were invited to his house to debate. They showed up in droves. Young men with bibles showed up. Men and

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Henry and His Living Ocotillo Fences – An Interlude

Catch up here – Henry in his own words… That’s a picture or an ocotillo cactus in bloom. As you can see they’re very beautiful. They also make excellent fences. Ocotillo cactus is very easy to grow (in indigenous areas). If you snip a branch off and stick it in the desert dirt, it’s very

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