June 2009

What Rules A Person’s Primal Needs in Astrology?

Dear Elsa, Which part of our chart contains our most primal, basic needs? Is it one house over another, one planet over another? For instance, in my healing from my break-up over the past year, it has occurred to me that my ex had a primal need to be chased–but I was oblivious to it. […]

Scorpios! Love Them Or Hate Them, Libra Looks For Balance

Selkie writes on the What’s The Deal With Scorpio Freezing You Out: “I wasn’t tryin to vilify Scorpios, just balance out what I’d been reading for several months!” This post was written in 2007 in response the the passionate discussion the original piece provoked. With Saturn in Virgo I felt pressured to make a statement

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