July 2010

How To Learn Astrology

Start with the Sun and the Moon, also called the “lights”. The Sun shows what a person has to do to be vitally alive. The Moon shows way they need to feel secure. Sun is the Male side, Moon the female. The Yin and Yang of a person’s nature. Read, Live Your Sun, Satisfy Your […]

Archetypes: A Hero’s Journey

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” –Joseph Campbell Long, long ago in a city by the sea I went away to school to become a psychologist. I never did finish, perhaps someday I will, but in the course of

Vintage postcard

Violently Attacked? Defend Yourself Effectively At Your Own Risk: Scorpio, the 8th House and the Shadow Side of the Collective

satori and I, still talkin”, circa 2007… “I’ve taken out more than my share of perps,” I said. “But in a lot of the scenarios I can think of, I’m pretty sure I’d be struck, frozen in fear with the rest of the masses. I don’t have any judgment about that, it just is. Some

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