September 2010

Oscar trash can

Venus In Scorpio – Trash Dump, Garbage Heap, Corpses Of Ex-Lovers – Right Out Of The Dirty Grave

Venus is solidly in Scorpio now and Mars is soon to follow. The planets will be conjoined for weeks and it’s going to be non-stop action on the corpse front. If you’re new here, I refer to ex-lovers who come back from the dead as corpses. This is a Venus/Pluto phenomena which is what Venus […]

aries madame alexander doll

Venus – Can You Attract Love With Your Possessions?

I was on the phone with a friend, having a cup of decaf… “I have some new cups,” I said. “I got them today. They’re plain. I like them. They’re not trying.” “Not trying?” “You know. Not trying to be anything. They’re just plain. They are nothing cups and I like them.” “Everything I have

Aquarius Woman Is Getting Divored – Meets Scorpio Man

Dear Elsa, My marriage is ending, which is a very good thing. I am seeing someone else though (a Scorpio), who is adding to the confusion in my life. He is foreign, ambitious, passionate, and exciting. When I am with him, everything seems so effortless and my problems seem manageable. Because we both are very

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