October 2016

How To Deal With Negative People At Work

Hi Elsa, I have a coworker who has been so horribly rude and disrespectful to others, very few will work with her. I experienced it myself today. I forgot the first time she did it, thinking maybe it was just a bad day. But she has many of those. I’m grateful to have a job, so

Top 100 Astrology Blogs

I’m thrilled to be in the number one spot of the Top 100 Astrology Blogs. Check out the forum; it’s always hopping. Check out the transit calendar. It’s maintained by a human being. There’s nothing like it, anywhere. Check out the All Tags page, where you can easily access posts on numerous topics. Check out the videos –

Why Do Some People Grow On You?

I have a friend, struggling in a new environment. It’s not any fun but I think he’ll be fine longer term. He tends to get off to a rocky start, but invariably people grow to love him. I have a similar experience. I grow on people, often against their will. I’m thinking this is a

How Do You Deal With A Your Natal Chart?

Elena asks: “How do you deal with your chart, Elsa? Do you accept it a fate? A problem to be worked out? HI, Elena. I don’t deal my chart. I deal with my life and astrology helps. I never look at anything in my chart and think, oh that’s a problem. I don’t understand people

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