October 2016

Why Do We Lose Our Friends?

Sad, isn’t it? Is there someone out there who you miss having in your life? Do you think about contacting them? What stops you? Can these one close relationships be healed and put back together? If not, why is this? Have you ever reunited with a friend after a significant separation? Is there someone you […]

Your Bias Towards Different Zodiac Signs

I tend to high expectations of Capricorn. I don’t have a lot of patience for weak Scorpio either. I expect to meet a keen, sophisticated Mars when I deal with Scorpio. What about you? Do you have high expectations of some signs and low expectations of others? Is there a sign you have no expectation of?

Astrology Of The Seventh Wedding Anniversary

My husband and I will celebrate our seventh anniversary this weekend. Boy, that went fast! The seventh wedding anniversary is significant, astrologically because it’s coincides with the first Saturn square of the wedding chart.

How To Handle Fat-Shaming

Hi Elsa! I know this sounds rather silly, but I’ve never particularly been bothered by my weight, and I was happy! Well until recently, a bunch of random people started to fat shame me. Okay, granted they always say that they were joking after commenting on my weight, nevertheless, I’ve been feeling particularly bothered by this. And

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