January 2017

The Midheaven And Career

“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man’s entire existence.”                                                      –Honore de Balzac I’ve been getting a lot of career questions lately. One of the best indicators regarding

Raising Kids With Astrology

This is for parents and also for old timers around here. My son is visiting right now. Vid. He’s seventeen now. He’s in college, studying engineering. He’s getting straight A’s. If you’ve been reading me for awhile, you know it wasn’t always like this.

Am I Too Controlling With My Daughter?

C wrote me a simple note. “I worry so much that I am too controlling with my daughter”. Well, C, bless your Virgo heart. My Virgo stellium completely sympathizes, so let’s start there. If a Virgo is breathing, she is worrying… about something. We strive and strive to reconcile the opposites, in this case, Pisces,

sun zodiac scarf vintage

The Sun And Self Esteem

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” — Joseph Campbell Elsa’s previous blog on Neptune really got me thinking. If you don’t have a strong internal locus of self-value, if you don’t believe you are worth receiving good treatment you will accept poor treatment. Neptune energy can allow one to deceive themselves

liars dice game

Which Zodiac Sign Lies The Most?

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! People ask a lot about “which signs lie the most” or how you can tell in a chart if someone is a liar. First off, I have to say that I think there are different kinds of lies. Some don’t matter at all, in the grand scheme of things, like

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