February 2017

Scorpio moon

Vicious Women And The 80/20 Rule

If you’ve read this blog awhile, you know I think in terms of the 80/20 rule, aka the Pareto Principle which states that thing naturally fall in groups with an 80/20 split.  As an example I’ve written, if you are happy with your partner 80% of the time, this is a very good sign. If you’re

Instinct vs Intuition

My intuition is very strong. I’ll often act on intuition alone. My intuition has led me into some awkward situations. I can’t really say they were good or bad, though I can say they are never terrible. Because I’m being guided by something, or at least I sure think I am.  I can tell you this, I

Feeling Mortified

Recently, I’ve been part of a number of scenarios that left me feeling mortified. Capricorn is most inclined to to having this experience. Public image and all.

Who Doesn’t Shower & Doesn’t Mind A Dirty House?

Dear Elsa, I’ve been wondering about what astrological aspects can show that a person is ok with dirt. My most recent ex didn’t shower daily, despite having a tough manual job. He also didn’t mind getting his hands dirty with whatever yucky job needed doing. He didn’t mind dirt in the house. I have a strong Virgo

Communication Blackout

I haven’t been able to call out for almost a week now.  I reach for my phone and realize it’s pointless. I have no service. I’m not sure what the problem is.  I’m not even able to make a call over wifi.  T-mobile sent me a huge router last week. It was no help. They

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