March 2017

Is Mercury/Jupiter the funny bone?

I read today that the best sign that you have coupled with the right person is if you laugh often together.  This makes sense.  However, there’s all different kinds of humor; for instance, some people think “bathroom” humor is hilarious and I run like the devil is chasing me when I hear toilet jokes.  My […]

Men Don’t Want To Partner Because Women Are Toxic?

I work with a lot of women who would like to partner. Men are far less interested in partnering than they were ten or twenty or thirty years ago. There comes a point where women have to ask themselves why this is. I’m not talking about women who DON’T want to partner (with a man).

Venus in Aries With Mars in Taurus

That’s a picture of a “round tuit”.  It’s what I think of with Mars in Taurus.  “I’ll do it when I get a round tuit…” People have been writing me, asking me if I’m alright. I am alright. I’ve just got a lot of social (Venus) stuff to do.

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