September 2017

Relationship Triangles, Venus Pluto & The Femme Fatale

Relationship triangles are common when Venus aspects Pluto. There is often a femme fatale involved in some form. She may be in the flesh.  She may live in the memory of one of the parties or in someone’s paranoia but one way or the other, love becomes psychological. I notice, while there are three players, […]

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choat face cat

Discrediting A Person…

“There’s no sense in trying to discuss it,” I explained to a friend. “I’m an astrologer!  If someone wants to discredit me, it’s easy to do…” I was talking about telling the truth. I can tell the truth ’till I’m blue. If someone wants to refute it or question my competence, all they have to

Rome series

Protection Of Powerful Gods

My husband and enjoyed watching the miniseries, “Rome”. It engaged us on a number of levels. There’s a lot about this series that irritated us, but the two characters pictured, do not disappoint. Every frame they’re featured in, satisfies. There’s a point in the film where by all rights, Caesar should have one of them

Astrology, Hackers, Security, Etc

That’s my son in the picture. It was taken ten years ago. He’s a Taurus with his Sun conjunct Saturn. He has a Scorpio Mars. He was trying to keep his room off limits. The original post is here – Security Is A Specialty. Prior to this, he managed to remove the bathroom doorknob (which

Mercury Flying

Gemini & Virgo – Get Outa Their Way!

Mercury will leave Leo for Virgo this weekend, joining Mars in the sign. These planets will remain conjunct for about two weeks. Expect minds to race and Gemini and Virgo to be assertive if not downright pushy. This will also speed things up. Efficiency is in. Lollygagging, not so much.

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