October 2017

Saturn Conjunct Pluto Cycle

I’m working on the Saturn in Capricorn class and I’m surprised how it’s going. I’m about thirty-five pages in and Satori has not even started her part. The writing (Mercury) has swelled (Jupiter) and the class is becoming a lot more intense than I envisioned. “Today” this can be chocked up to Mercury’s conjunction to

Does My Ex Regret Leaving Me?

When a person is dumped in a relationship, it’s common they want their ex to suffer. They want them to regret what they’ve done. They hope the pain is excruciating.  People feel this is only fair, seeing as they’ve been left in a way that seems harsh to them.

Pathological vs Compulsive Liars vs Habitual Liars

I got thinking about two prolific liars I know. It made me wonder exactly what the terms, “compulsive liar” and “pathological liar” mean. The meaning of words tend to morph over time. But as of today, I’d say that a pathological liar, lies with intent. A compulsive liar, just lies and lies and lies and

Living On The Fringe Of Society

It’s hard to believe nearly six months have passed since I wrote about realizing I was far too involved; needing to find my way back towards to margins of life. I felt like I was part of the center of a rug, pulled in every direction. I realized I would be a lot more comfortable


Retrograde Planets In The Natal Chart

“The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don’t let them put you in that position.” –Leo Buscaglia The energy of the planets that are retrograde at the time of our birth is forever crystalized in the imprint of

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