July 2019


Should I Leave My Relationship? Video

I feel people often leave their spouse or their lover, prematurely. This happens for a myriad of reasons.  You can wind up really regretting your decision.  Here’s one thing to check… Have you ever left a relationship when you should have stayed?

75% Of Married People Say They’re Unhappy

Recently I read that when questioned, 25% of married people said they were happily married. I was floored by this statistic. On the surface, it makes a strong argument against marriage but if you go just a little bit deeper, might it be something else? I think so.

Alien black and white

Aquarius – Rebel Love

Aquarians. They’re iconoclasts, humanitarians, freedom-fighters, and one of the best partners you can imagine. Wait, really? Aren’t Aquarians aloof, cerebral lone wolves who are more interested in friendship than love? Don’t they spend a little too much time watching conspiracy videos on YouTube and rebelling against The Man to be good partners? Aren’t they, um,

Is Venus Conjunct Saturn in a Composite Chart Good?

Riley asks: “Just out of curiosity, would having a Venus/Saturn conjunction in a composite chart be something that can be a positive thing? Because I always read that Venus/Saturn is challenging. But also I’ve read that it could mean “stability.” Do you have any thoughts on this particular aspect with regards to composite charts?” Yes

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Love And The Black Box Theory

I did a series of videos on synastry once, they start here: The Main Techniques Work, But Not Really! I talk about the limits of the various astrological technique when it comes to judging compatibility between two people. You may be able to see a clash of wills or a clash of tastes or an

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