October 2019

munch despair

Working A Job That Exposes You To People In Despair

In the book, “The Lawyer Bubble: A Profession in Crisis”, the author concludes that while things in the legal profession have degenerated significantly, the greatest negative impact is on those at the margin – attorneys who did not choose the right career in the first place. The author, Steven J. Harper, goes on to quote […]

my mother

Uranus Transit Moon: Just Because You’re Attached, Doesn’t Mean They Are!

With Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto transiting my Moon, things are poppin’ like popcorn in my home and emotional life. Things shocking, stabilizing, healing, killing, hopeful, expansive, you name it. My roots are electrified, I’ll tell you that. Some of this is painful which I consider to be inevitable. Today I dug out pictures of

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The Quality Of My Energy

The moon is in Capricorn, conjunct Saturn and Pluto. I wrote this ten years ago, using the word, “entitlement”. In whatever case, it’s interesting, relevant and still, true! maureen wrote on Attention Seeking Behavior: “I don’t know how you do it Elsa, but I’m grateful the universal tides bring you back to shore again and

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