September 2022


Natal Charts Of Children- Yes, They Work!

A person’s chart shows itself at a very early age. If you happen to have planets in signs or house that taboo, too bad! It is not like you are going to be able to avoid this stuff just because you’re eight years old. If this is hard to accept it may make it more accessible […]


Who Feels Synastry The Most?

When someone’s planets fall in your houses in synastry, do you as the house person feel it more or does the planet person feel it more? Or do we both equally feel it? For example, my ex had his sun, moon, and mercury (libra) all in my 12H. Boyyy I felt that! Do you think

Mars hero

What Are You Puzzling Over With Mars In Gemini?

I find myself writing a lot with Mars in Gemini. I’m also seeking intellectual challenge with Jupiter in Aries opposing Mercury.  This climate is really good for code-cracking; tinkering and putting the pieces together until you figure it out. I like this kind of thing so I’m happy with the current situation. I’m currently trying

girl looking over shoulder

Delayed Grief

Hi Elsa, Do you have any experience with delayed sadness? Is there any astrological connection in your opinion which sign, placement leans more toward it? D From Croatia Hi, D. I’ve never considered this before but I have some ideas. First, I doubt you could identify this tendency from a natal chart because the way

gemini vintage twin dolls red dress

Mars In Gemini Social Effects

Hi Elsa , Mars is in Gemini, a social sign. Will Mars be too aggressive, pushy and demanding? Could there be a negative side to this. And if not what is the positive side of Mars in Gemini? Curious Love this – short and sweet. But each question is important so I’ll take them one by one. Will

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