April 2023

tug of war

Multiple Oppositions In A Natal Chart

I ran into a pretty unique situation yesterday, working with a chart with three strong oppositions. I’m not talking about a stellium in one sign, opposing planets in another sign. I’m talking about three strong, highly significant, independent pairs of opposing planets. Like this: Sun opposite Pluto Venus opposite Uranus Mars opposite Neptune Oppositions in […]


Solar Eclipse 2023: Major Power Shift Underway

This morning, I wrote my newsletter, Changing Of The Guard. I feel this. The perception was strong enough, I committed by sending that letter. Six hours later, these feelings have intensified. If I turn 360 degrees to look in any direction, I see the same theme.  Personally, professionally, collectively. In my life and in yours. 

Pisces mermaid

Saturn in Pisces Guide – Available Now!

Saturn’s transit through Pisces will be challenging for almost everyone. Sorry, but facts are facts. You can expect life to become disorienting at some point during this transit. Some will experience this throughout the entire 2.5 year period. If you’re not well versed in Neptune-flavored challenges, you can wonder if you’re going crazy. Saturn in

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