August 2023

Magnet steel

When Good Synastry Is Bad

Good synastry is great, right? No. Not always. I worked with a gal yesterday who is in a bad relationship with good synastry. This is not about her situation, but scenarios like here. You’re walking down the street minding your own business and WHAM!  You meet someone and the chemistry hits you like a (good) […]


How’d You Get So Judgmental?

I continue to reduce screen time. When I am “scrolling”, I’m simultaneously trying to figure out what ties me to it.  For example, am I scrolling for hope or for doom? Is it something else? Coming to understand how important it is to remain a creative person as opposed to being a full time consumer


Six Planets Retrograde: August 28 – September 15, 2023

Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will all be retrograde as of August 28th.  That’s six planets. Venus will turn direct on September 3rd, leaving five planets retrograde.  Roughly thirteen hours later on September 4th, Jupiter will turn retrograde and we’ll be back to six planets reversed. This situation will be sustained until Mercury


Today Things Are Moving

That’s a chart of today’s sky.  It’s dynamic enough to get things moving, ahead of Mercury turning retrograde tomorrow. (click to enlarge). I’ve been stuck for months, trying to settle a personal injury claim tied the gravel truck that hit me on the highway, back in January. Today, I’m meeting with an attorney who I

uranus glass coaster

Uranus Retrograde: August 28, 2023 – Missed Connection & Heads Up Aquarius!

Uranus will turn retrograde on August 28th at 23 degrees Taurus.  Jupiter is in the neighborhood, at 15 degrees Taurus. These planets would meet in the middle if not for the fact, Jupiter will turn retrograde in early September.  It’s like a missed connection. These planets will connect though.  The exact conjunction won’t occur until

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