August 2023

fruit and veg

Weekend Love Forecast – Perfectly Imperfect People Seeking Love

All weekend, the Leo Sun moves through the point of a yod from the quincunxes of retro Neptune and retro Pluto, exact on the midpoint of their sextile early Sunday. The weekend’s Moon in cardinal Libra puts focus on retro Leo Venus as well. Self esteem is the focus, an emphasis on remodulating our center […]

Mercury running

Mercury Retrograde: August 23, 2023 – Lynch Pin

Mercury will turn retrograde on Wednesday on 21 degrees Virgo. It’s a busy little planet which will be aspecting the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto as it reverses course. It’ll be like flipping the switch on a variety of things. I wonder if there might be an event around this. Roughly noontime in the United States.

Uranus abstract

Progressed Planets Changing Signs: Big Life Changes

I  got in a conversation in the Colosseum about how I’ve essentially quit making friends. It’s conscious at this point.  It prompted me to think how this could have come about. Generally speaking, I’m an extrovert.  So what changed? I realized, 2014 was key. This is when something rare occurred.  My progressed moon, Jupiter and

outer planets 2024

Looking Ahead: Outer Planets Play Nice Into 2027

I wonder a lot! One of the things I wonder is how the stock market has not crashed. It’s a puzzle. There’s a lot of things that seem to be in some sort of suspended animation.  Everything and nothing is happening on a daily basis. The sky has been quite intense, particularly this summer. Many


Waking Up, Disillusioned

It’s such strange time.  There’s very little that people agree on. It so unusual at this point, there’s a new way to describe “agreement” and it’s step down from what was.  It sounds like this, “We think the same thing for different reasons”.   That’s about as good as it gets. At this point in time,

couple in love

Are Oppositions In Synastry Good Or Bad?

Oppositions in synastry create tension. Many feel this problematic. You don’t see things eye to eye (Mercury). Your values oppose (Venus). Your way of going about things (Mars) is very different. Simply speaking, these things are true.  But there are other considerations. For example, my Mercury in Libra opposes my husband’s Mercury in Aries.  It’s


Mars Opposite Neptune: Yelling Into The Oblivious Ocean

It seems a good time to talk about Neptune, with the moon in Gemini is squaring Mercury and Mars in Virgo. You may recall, Neptune is currently stalled out at 27 degrees Pisces. When Neptune moves out, it’ll be a head-fake. The planet will station at 27 degrees at the end of 2024 into 2025.

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