November 2023


Slipping Into Austerity (Saturn in Pisces)

Pluto in Capricorn has devastated “reality” as we knew it.  Saturn is now transiting Pisces. Saturn is associated with hardship. I feel we’re, slip, slip, slipping into austerity. Forced austerity, this is.  You want it but it costs too much. You’re cold but you don’t turn up the heat because you’re afraid of the bill. […]


Living To Your Potential & What Is That, Anyway?

“How can you assess how much someone is using of the potential in their chart? I ask myself this as: what am I doing with what I’ve got? Because, someone can only meet you to the extent they have met themselves.” – Reader from Boston Oh!  A person’s elusive potential! Generally speaking, I see people

Venus and Mars

Weekly Forecast: November 6-10, 2023 – Mercury And Venus Change Sign

All day Monday, Mercury in Scorpio chases a trine to retro Neptune, catching it by evening. By the time it does, Mercury has also picked up a sextile to Pluto. Fantasy bubbles to the surface, affecting attitudes, senses, and communications. Eventually we get acclimated to the ideal and are motivated to invoke the subtle power

True North

Adapting To Change Over The Last Twenty Years

My last couple of posts have to do with looking back from today’s perspective.  I published a twenty year old post; I agree with every word of it, still.  I also mentioned, my progressed chart, which has seen me live through all types of things, only to wind up where I began. (Your Life Story). 

chihuahua on crack

Losing Your Ability To Think Deeply

I read a claim, people no longer have the ability to think deeply. “People” were specifically called, “chihuahuas on crack”. There is a lot of truth in this. We’re all distracted. I started to think about this, astrologically. What are we looking at here? Mercury Pluto? If you have mercury mashed with Pluto, does this

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Weekend Love Forecast – Saturn Direct

Saturn has been retrograde since forever, right? Since mid-June, if we’re being precise, but Saturn can make it seem like an eternity. While there’s been progress, that progress has been hard-won. It takes work! It takes tenacity and circumspection. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces, it also takes faith.

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