December 2023

super mario

Sorting Confusing Transits & Progressions

Hi, Elsa. I am really curious and concerned about the next stage of my life’s romances and deeper love. My natal Venus is 3 degrees Scorpio, and is progressing into Aquarius in a month or so. That means that transiting Pluto in Aquarius will be conjunct my progressed Venus while squaring my natal Venus. Natal […]

one pearl earring

Weekend Love Forecast – Diving For Pearls

Friday night, the Libra Moon squares Pluto then heads into Scorpio and a trine to Saturn. Saturday morning, the Scorpio Moon conjoins Venus and opposes retro Jupiter. The Friday night mood goes from air to water, cardinal to fixed, and abrasive to lubricated. Take care of what you need up front, at least get it

mercury red motor

Mercury Retrograde: December 13, 2023 – Maintain Your Orientation

Mercury will turn retrograde at 8 degrees Capricorn on December 13th. If at all possible, I’d get my holiday shopping done. This is not because the sky falls if you shop with Mercury retrograde.  You’re just more likely to run into problems. This will be particularly true as we get closer to Christmas.  At that

How To You Handle Betrayal?

Let’s say you’re betrayed in some way.  My husband and I deal with this, differently. I will flat out tell a person, look. I don’t trust you anymore. I will say those words. I will also say, “I don’t want to deal with you, and I am not going to deal with you.” That will be


Human Beings Bloom Like Flowers?

X-rayed is discussing my sister’s eye for fashion on The Gold Hat Lives On.  I was going to respond but decided to make a post of this. My sister was obsessed with fashion, from birth. We actually published a “family newspaper”. This was news that took place, in the middle of the desert where we lived. 

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