Pluto Conjunct Juno – Traditional Marriage Back From The Dead?

fool.jpgsatori writes on Pluto’s Last Gasp:

“It seems interesting to me that juno is traveling right alongside Pluto along the sagg/cap cusp. it’s even turned retro at the same time. might be the herald of what you’re talking about re traditional marriage. “

satori – Good catch. That is definitely possible but does not feel personal to me. Having a 7th house Uranus, I don’t think in “traditional marriage”.

I mentioned men, women and parenting in the blog and my comment in the comments was in regards to something else – namely the fact that everything old is new again… eventually.

Regarding what I did mention, I can tie the breakdown (Pluto) in my beliefs to my personal chart. Pluto has hit my Sun and moon (men and women) and gone through my 11th house (friends).

The press thing in my case is more “collective” in nature rather than “personal” although I have been personally touched.

Imagine my surprise when I came across an article in the mainstream press that was clearly about me – Elsa Panizzon – although I was not named. The writer claimed he/she was a friend of mine and that this and this and this described my circumstance. The majority was made up and I mean completely fabricated.

keyboard5.JPGHa ha ha ha.

I’d have been pissed (I was pretty sure who wrote and sold it) but my name was not mentioned.

But it was a clear example of how people just make stuff up (that they can sell) and if you happen to read it and believe it… well then I guess you’re just a fool.

Do you see traditional marriage making a comeback?

12 thoughts on “Pluto Conjunct Juno – Traditional Marriage Back From The Dead?”

  1. THis is interesting to me because in the last few years there have been a flux of traditional weddings… I am 24 so many of my childhood friends are getting married.

  2. I triple hope not. Traditional marriage hasn’t even left enough, for me, let alone make a comback. 😀

  3. Yes. I think a lot of traditional things will return. Because of the environment and becoming aware of the polutants in food, I’m shopping more localling and buying organic milk in glass bottles. I see it in many different small ways.
    BUT fully traditional, no. It’s not like we’ll actually go backwards. It’s like traditional with a new twist. I think we’ll see more teenage marriages.

  4. I consider “traditional marriage” to be an archetype. as an archetype it is The Couple as anchor of the family, mutual support and respect, united toward a common goal in support of the individuals in the family and society as a whole. as an archetype traditional marriage is a good thing, in my opinion. I’m all for it.

    in my little semantical world traditional marriage is a concept completely compatible with the union of all types: race, creed, sexual orientation, whateverelseyougot.

  5. satori- that’s very funny! What about people who spend their entire summer playing softball? Should we say everyone but…amateur softball players too?

  6. spinner – Careful what you say about poodles – Lupa has a pink one and yeah, I have seen that movie. It is one of the soldier’s picks that depict us. 😉

  7. Have you seen the movie Life is Beautiful with Roberto Benigni? His son asks him why the sign in the shop window says no Jew’s and Dogs. It is WWII in Italy and Roberto says, something like heh some peolpe don’t like Jews and dogs and some peolpe don’t like Turks and Giraffes, I think I will put up a sign in my window saying no Visigoths and Spiders, I am tired of those Visigoths anyway.

    Maybe I will put up a sign that says no Married people or Poodles!

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