Neptune rough sea

Is Neptune a Malefic?

There’s a lot of discussion among astrologers about how to classify Neptune. And in classic Neptune fashion, confusion abounds. Some say Neptune is a little slice of divinity, the higher octave of Venus and the symbol of unconditional love. Others say it is an obvious malefic, throwing human lives off course and causing us to

lonely girl painting


My neighbor’s dog died this week. He had her for 18 years.  This is the same man who has seen so many of his friends and family die over the last year. His sister-in-law is terminally ill. His brother-in-law died about 18 months ago. His wife is taking off for a week – they have


Dealing With Your Second Saturn Return

Your second Saturn return comes around when you’re about fifty-eight years old. At the time of your first Saturn return, you’re in your 20’s.  You have plenty of time to do just about anything. If you’re “behind”, you can still catch up. By the time the second return rolls around, you’re pretty much facing a time

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